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Mickey Rourke Wins 2009 Independent Spirit Best Actor

At the 2009 Independent Spirit Awards for Best Male Lead a clip was played of Mickey Rourke talking to his on-screen Wrestler film daughter, Evan Rachel Wood.  The clip showed Mickey saying "you're my little girl and now I'm an old broken down piece of meat and I'm alone and I deserve to be all alone.  I just don't want you to hate me?

(Image of Mickey Rourke at 2009 Independent Spirit Award - Winner For Best Male Lead - ©2008-2009 Film Independent - All rights reserved)

The crowd went crazy when Mickey Rourke's name was called for Best Male Lead for the Spirit Award by presenter Philip Seymour Hoffman.  Some of the crowd gave him a standing ovation and many shook his hand or hugged him as he went by.  The Bruce Springsteen song was played as he made his way to the stage.

Co-presenter Laura Dern and Philip Seymour Hoffman gave him the award.  He kissed Laura on the cheek and hugged Philip Seymour Hoffman.

There was a young female assistant on the stage assistant Laura and Philip Seymour Hoffman.

Laura was wearing her hair down with bangs and loose waves and a black dress with a matching leather jacket.  She wore reading glasses and looked very chic.  Philip Seymour Hoffman was dressed very casually wearing a knit cap.

Mickey wore a light brown tweedy jacket and pants with an open shirt and sun glasses. His hair was long but gone were the platinum highlights.

(Image of Mickey Rourke at 2009 Independent Spirit Award - Winner For Best Male Lead - ©2008-2009 Film Independent - All rights reserved)

Mickey started by saying "thank you all very much."  He laughed heartily and said "Eric Roberts. I just want to say one thing about Eric Roberts.  Eric Roberts is probably the best actor I have every worked with I don't know why in the last 15 years (cameras flashed on Eric) ain't nobody give him a chance to show his shit again.  Because whatever he did 15-20 years ago should be forgiven. No...I am goddam serious about that."

He continued with conviction :Eric Roberts is the fucking man.  And he deserves like I have, like I got, he deserves a 2nd chance.  And I wish there would be one goddam film maker in this room that would let him fly.  Because the man, he is something else.  Thank you Eric."

Eric screamed from the crowd - "accept your award." Mickey laughed and said "Eric will probably be arrested by the end of the day but." Then he laughed.  "Anyway, and that little blonde dude (Rainn Wilson) that did that thing I'm going to beat your ass when I get out of here."  The crowd laughed and applauded.

He continued "it's nice to be presented this award by all these talented, these two talented people, three talented, I don't know what you do honey.  These two are really good." Laura laughed and applauded.  Mickey laughed.

He said "you know I've just gotten thousands of letters and shit, from people, strangers, and people that know me, about my dog that died 6 days ago Lokie.  He got a little sad....Lokie this is for you baby."  He laughed and looked thoughtful. He said "I just got done talking to the Santa Monica police department.  They gave me a bed to sleep in ten years ago.  And I thanked them.  I asked them for two pillows and they told me to fuck off. But anyway."

Special Thanks To Darren Aronofsky

He continued "thank you to Darren Aronofsky for believing in me. Ugh directors like Darren Aronosky, come on let me finish, I told people in the past directors like Darren Aronofsky come around every 25 years the same way like Coppolla, Parker, all the rest of them and I said 25 years and he (Darren) whispered in my ear 30."  They flashed to Darren sitting in the audience.

He said "the only thing I want to say to any young actor or actress who gets an opportunity to work with Darren you better be in shape because he will break you down.  He is one tough son of a bitch and he don't like it when I say that... cause he says Mickey you will scare all the actors away from me. Darren you know what...if they don't have the balls to bring it than fuck em, you know?"

Thanks To All The Girls - Whoever They Are?

He said "anyway, I want to thank Fox Searchlight. Peter Rice and all the girls.  Melissa and I don't all their names, Ann, Maria, ...he stumbled over his words....thank you very much.  The little one I call "cap tooth. Uhhh, I know you're here."

Marissa Tomei Stripper Pole

He continued "and I want to thank..uh my memory ain't that good. Oh Jesus.  I want to thank?  Uhhhh.....uhhhh. The audience yelled out Marissa.  Who else? And he said Melissa...oh Marissa, Marissa Tomei."

Goddammit she had to do this pole act, bare ass and she brought it and.  She's a she here?" The audience said "no".  He laughed "OK.  Anyway she looked.  Not many girls could climb the pole. You understand what I'm saying?  And she climbed the pole and she did it well.  And I give her big props for that.  It was a very coureagous performance.  We had to like pry her out of the trailer, you know, but that was alright."

The Wrestling Community

Then he said "I want to thank the wrestling community who has been very supportive. The WWE. Vince McMahon. They supported us because we exposed some issues ...and he stopped for a minute, looked away and said "oh that's pretty" and then "we exposed some issues in this film which were very controversial like the steroids and the cocaine and the banging the girl in the ass in the bathroom, but shit like that does happen, these guys are on the road a lot. And they get lonely. And uh."

Ann Hathaway was shown laughing hysterically in the audience as was several of the audience members.

Paula The PR Agent

Mickey said "Scott Franklin, I got your name right, thank you very much, I know you're looking for a job, any directors in here, he was a hell of a producer. And he's broke right now. And uh, and gee whiz....who else...?"

Mickey said "Paula...the hardest girl in show business, my...she was...she was my publicist, she had her hands full.  As I said in the BAFTA Awards, she told me where to do, what to do, what not to do, how to dress, who to fuck.  Not to. You know. Paula I love you, you can go back to the farm after tomorrow. Uhhhh"

And he said "JP my manager and manager Kahla.  God bless you.  Thank you Peter Rice, your boss Jim Jimanoppolis, something like that (he couldn't remember his name).  Thanks for the money.  Thank you all very much." Mickey left the stage.

He was beyond hilarious and definitely elated to win the award. He ended with a heartfelt.....thank you all very much.

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