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Hair Boutique's Hair Link Of The Week - 1/5/99

Ouidad - You're Only Getting Better


I wanted to start off 1999 with a bang. In keeping with this theme, I selected Ouidad's (pronounced wee-dod) site to be the first Hair Boutique hair site of the year. Note: This article has been changed and updated to reflect current Ouidad information as of July 2004.

In the past year Ouidad's site has exploded with exciting new products, hair care videos and information devoted to curly hair. Now don't get me wrong.

Ouidad's site has always been a treasure chest of information on caring for curly hair. It just seems than in the last six months the site has blossomed.

Yes it's true. I don't have curly hair. But in my own defense, I can honestly say, that after I hang out at Ouidad's site for awhile, I wish that I was one of those gorgeous women with glorious spirals of ringlets and curls.

I guess you would have to say that I am a little prejudiced about Ouidad's site. Probably because I had a wonderful opportunity to personally chat with Ouidad by phone last summer. (For more info see: The Hair Boutique Interviews Ouidad).

Meet Ouidad

During our conversation, Ouidad was nothing short of wonderful. She spent a lot of time out of her busy schedule to patiently answer all of my questions about curly hair. When we were finished chatting I was full of admiration for this woman who really cares about the agonies of uncontrollable curly hair.

Ouidad has had killer curly hair all of her life. She has personally muzzled her own curly hair demons and has made a lifetime commitment to help all of her clients control their own hair destinies. To get to know Ouidad better, read all her tips and articles on her site. The information that is provided sounds just like her and has great information.

Ouidad's method for helping all her clients to achieve curly hair peace-of-mind is to provide her own line of professional hair care products.

While Ouidad's site does focus on her complete product line for curly and frizzy hair, she also thoughtfully provides as much tidbits on curly hair care as she can.

Step-By-Step Information On Softening

In this vein of providing information, a past site option that is no longer available, was a detailed step-by-step set of instructions from the August 98 Modern Salon Magazine on how Ouidad provided custom "softening" treatments for curly, frizzy hair at her New York salon.

Ouidad's softening technique is less threatening terminology for certain clients but basically involves a solution for frizzy hair. This article includes great photos for each of the seven different steps. After I read the entire article I had a much better understanding of the process and how it would definitely provide a lots of great benefits.

Magazine Excerpts

One of my favorite parts of Ouidad's site is the magazine excerpts. Starting with the May 1988 issue of Taxi magazine and stretching until the June 2004 issue of American Salon, the site provides over many different article excerpts dealing with curly hair, Ouidad's recommendations and helpful hints.

Some of the great articles and information from Ouidad on the site include:

  • Taking Care of Your Curls - Natural Health - January 1998
  • Winter Skin & Hair Care For Sports Lovers - Self Magazine - January 1998
  • Frizz Buss - Allure - September 1997
  • Calming The Curls - Valley Magazine - June 1997
  • Curl Control in Modern Salon - February 1997
  • Thin Hair Day - Men's Journal Article - October 1995

Ouidad's Products

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Ouidad offers a complete line of products for curly hair from Clear Shampoo and Balancing Rinse to Deep Treatment, Tress F/X, Styling Mist, Shine and Botanical Boost. Ouidad offers a sample kit which is the best way to fly if you have never tried her products.

The Sampler Set is stuffed with goodies including: (1) 2 oz. Deep Treatment, (2) 1/2 oz. Clear Shampoo, (2) 1/2 oz. Balancing Rinse, (2) 1/2oz. Tress F/X, (1) 2/3 oz. Styling Mist, (1) 1/4 oz. Shine Hair Glaze, (1) 2/3 oz. Botanical Boost, (1) 1/3 oz. Clear Control Pomade, (1) Plastic Hair Cap.

Ouidad also has Regular, Travel and Professional sizes for all her products. In addition, she has a special Buyers Club and monthly specials. Her products are great, packaged conveniently and priced to save you money. What more could any happy consumer ask for?

Product Reviews

A lot of hair care products make a lot of claims. Ouidad claims that her complete line of products allow you to have curly and beautiful hair without the frizz. The proof is always in the pudding and with Ouidad there is lots of published reviews on her great products. The Hair Boutique asked one of their regular curly haired visitors, Lori, to do a review of Ouidad's products. Lori shared her first hand experiences with the product and gave it a thumbs up.

I should also note that while not all hair care products works on all types of hair for all types of people, Ouidad's products seem to have great results on curly frizzy hair for a large number of people who try her products.

If you still have doubts, pop into her Customer Feedback page and read all the testimonials from many happy and satisfied customers.

Product Use Guides

Another new addition is all the great written information which explains in good detail how to use all the different Ouidad products.

In addition to the written summary right on the site, Ouidad's product use instructional video has recently been made available. If a picture is worth a thousand words, then this video will go a long way in helping you maximize the benefits of Ouidad's products. The video is set in Ouidad's New York City salon. It is a 20 minute informational video which offers unique step-by-step instructions for proper product application, impressive frizzy "before and afters", as well as a brief Q&A by Ouidad herself.

Video Clips

Ouidad is well known, very popular and a frequent guest on major international news events. To see some video clips of Ouidad on CNN, Eyewitness News and E TV you can access the clips right on the site.

In order to view Ouidad's video clips, you will need either the Quicktime Plug-In for Netscape or Microsoft Explorer, OR you can download them to your hard drive and open them with the Quicktime Player (Mac & PC) or another movie player such as Microsoft ActiveMovie. (PC). If you can work it out, I highly recommend that you take a peek at these great clips.

Salon Information

If you are interested in visiting Ouidad's NYC salon call (800) 677-4247) to receive all the details on types and costs of services provided. You can also ask about other details like hours of operation and special summer hours.

There are also some photos so you can have a peek into this famous salon.

Another new addition is a searchable data base for salons in other states that provide the Ouidad system of curly hair treatment.


Ouidad's site is beautifully designed, easy to navigate and chock full of curly hair helpful hints, product information, magazine excerpts and testimonials from satisfied readers. Her on-line store has expanded to include different products sizes, special saving offers and a buyers club.

Congratulations to Ouidad for honoring her personal commitment to provide the best information and products to help curly haired people everywhere. Whether you have curly hair or not everyone should experience Ouidad's site. This site is one of the best hair care related sites on the Internet.

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Thank you for visiting us at The HairBoutique Blog and for leaving your comments. They are very much appreciated. We apologize in advance but must remove any direct advertisements or solicitations.

Original Publication: 01/05/1999 - Revised Publication Date: 05/22/10

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