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Hair Care: Jojoba Oil



Since was first re-launched back in 1997 I have spent a lot of time studying various hair care products and formulations. One hair care oil which continues to impress me is jojoba oil.

Jojoba oil is the liquid wax produced in the seed of the jojoba (Simmondsia chinensis) plant, a shrub native to southern Arizona, southern California, and northwestern Mexico. The oil makes up approximately 50% of the jojoba seed by weight.

The jojoba plant is so strong that it actually bears its berries in the intense heat and dryness of desert. Jojoba oil is the transparent, resilient and golden oil, and is often called the liquid gold of the desert.

Over the years I've used jojoba oil in a number of ways from a scalp massage oil to a deep conditioning oil with great results.

I have also discovered that several products use jojoba oil as a major ingredient to help banish damaged or dry hair issues.

Recently I happen to discover, somewhat by accident, that the Phytosesame detangling rinse out conditioning treatment worked great for my hair. When I checked out the ingredients in the Phytosesame product I saw jojoba oil was included. Which partially explained why the product worked so well for my naturally dry and coarse strands.

Over the years I've found that any products that contain jojoba oil such as Phytojoba shampoo, Phytosesame detangling treatment and related hair care products work really well for my hair type, texture and condition.

Jojoba Oil Is Great Hair Elixir

So exactly what is this mystical hair elixir? Jojoba oil is the oil of choice for many people suffering from a variety of hair woes. This is a excellent oil for adding moisture to the hair.

Phytojoba Shampoo

The reason that jojoba is such a great choice as a hair conditioner and moisturizer is that the molecular structure of jojoba is very similar to the natural oil which is produced by the sebaceous glands in the human scalp. This natural scalp oil is known as "sebum".

It's a well known fact that sebum is required for proper rehydration of beautiful and healthy hair. Hair which has a good moisture base tends to be more resistant to daily damage, tangles, dryness and split ends.

Non Toxic To Human Hair Or Skin

According to extensive Japanese studies with natural and refined jojoba oils, it was found that the jojoba oil is not toxic in any way to human hair or skin.

As a rare tidbit it should be noted that jojoba oil is very similar in its properties to sperm whale oil which is used in the creation of some forms of penicillin.

Jojoba oil is used to make a natural wax known as jojoba wax and jojoba butter which is a wonderful skin emollient.

Jojoba meal is created from the byproducts of the jojoba plants and is known for its excellent exfoliating properties for skin. It is valued for its ability to help slough off dead skin cells and deep clean the complexion without causing dryness or other damage.

Straight Jojoba Or In A Mix

Glass Bottles For Mixing & Storing Jojoba Oils Or Simlar

As I mentioned above, jojoba oil can be purchased either as pure oil or you can use products that have jojoba oil as as part of a "composition" or conditioning mix designed for the hair.

While I believe that there are lots of other ways to deep condition hair besides using jojoba or other oils, I also find that the use of jojoba oil adds lots of benefits which I don't get from other methods of deep conditioning.

Although jojoba works great for my own hair it's important to note that there are other oils which work just as well for other hair types, textures and conditions.

Rosemary oil is also a well known hair tonic. Lavender oil provides relaxing properties for the scalp while Vitamin E is very nourishing.

I've tried home grown recipes which required me to use a straight pin to pop open E tablets and squeeze the vitamin right onto my scalp. I've never really noticed any benefits from using straight E vitamins although it was definitely greasy and hard to shampoo out.

I always encourage everyone to try whatever treatments that they think will help their hair, however I have found that some treatments (like the mainlining of E vitamins to my scalp) are more trouble than they are worth.

Jojoba For Healthy Long Hair

Conair Boar Bristle Hair Brush

Jojoba is also superb to use as a regular supplement to sebum on the hair shaft, especially with long hair.

The amount of sebum a person produces depends on various circumstances and varies widely by the individual.

Sebum can be impacted by a myriad of events that may be happening in our daily lives and is linked to glandular production.

Sebum, if produced in sufficient amounts, is typically distributed along the length of the hair shaft through normal combing and brushing.

How do you determine if you have the proper amount of sebum for your hair? After you comb or brush your hair pay careful attention to how your hair feels. If your strands seems to have excessive dryness, you very well may be short on sebum.

When excessive dryness occurs, a little jojoba can be applied on a regular basis to strands to add moisture.

Step By Step Instructions For Jojoba Oil Use

If you wish to experiment with jojoba oil, consider performing the following steps:

1. Apply a few drops of jojoba oil to the palms of your hands and vigorously rub your hands together.

Glass Bottles With Hair Oil

2. Begin "finger picking" or running your hands and fingers through your hair from the area where it is driest down to the ends of the hair.

3. Keep the oils within 1 inch from the scalp when applying to strands.

Note: Avoid applying oils directly to the scalp which may clog follicles over time, unless you wish to utilize the oil as a specific scalp treatment. Although some people receive great results from applying oils directly to the scalp, the majority of people find it best to not apply directly.

4. Be careful not to apply too much oil. The danger with over application is that your hair may begin to feel heavy or even slightly oily. Remember, a little bit goes a long way.

Jojoba As A Pre-Shampoo Moisturizer

Jojoba can be used pre-condition hair before a shampoo. It's especially beneficial for those with dehydrated or damaged strands. Although this may seem a little unusual, shampoos and harsh waters will actually strip the hair of required moisture.

The application of jojoba or a similar oil will create a moisture barrier so that the shampoo will not strip important oils from the cuticle.

Since jojoba and related oils can also soften hair, it is excellent to use as a pre-shampoo detangling aid. All tangles and knots should be carefully removed before washing the hair. A few drops of jojoba or a similar mix can be applied to the tangled areas of hair and will help soften the knots for easier removal.

Hairtopia Beautiful Hair Oil Made With Organic Jojoba Oil Base

During times when the hair has become knotted from high winds or other conditions, a little jojoba can go a long way to helping untangle hair without causing damage or breakage.

A little jojoba on split ends will help temporarily "bind them" back together prevent further tears to the ends. It will permanently fix them but it will help for the short term.

An Instant Moisturizer

A few drops of jojoba oil rubbed into the palms of the hands and smoothed over newly air dried hair can work wonders as an instant moisturizer.

I discovered by carefully picking the oil through the dry sections or ends of my hair before leaving the house works wonders at adding lots of shine and gloss. Although I apply the oil to dry hair, it could also be used on damp strands.

Jojoba As A Scalp Treatment

Although it's never wise to get jojoba directly on the scalp, a very small amount of jojoba applied to the palms of your hands and then used as part of a scalp massage can be a wonderful treat.

A scalp massage using a very tiny amount of jojoba can be particularly beneficial and enjoyable. When possible ask a loved one to help you with a scalp massage that will not only relax our scalp but moisture your hair at the same time. Remember, a little bit goes a very long way.

Straight Jojoba

Beautiful Hair Oil Mist Jojoba Oil In Mist Form From

The jojoba oil I've bought over the years is always odorless. I found it helpful to add a drop or two of my favorite aromatherapy fragrances.

There are several brands of jojoba oil to select from and many are excellent at providing hydration for hair. Many people find natural or organic jojoba the best bet for them.

Not For Everyone

It's very important for me to point out that while jojoba oil treatments and hair care products containing jojoba oil work well for me and my hair type, they may not work as well for everyone.

People who have thin or fine hair which tends to get oily, may not achieve the same results with a hair oil that I achieve with my own hair.

The only reason I'm mentioning that jojoba oil and jojoba based products don't work for everyone is because I don't want anyone to be disappointed if their experience with jojoba oil is not the same as mine.


Jojoba is widely recognized as an oil which can work with most hair types and can offer major benefits. Besides providing deep conditioning, jojoba can work for regular hair moisturizing, detangling and as a pre-shampoo conditioner.

- Revised Publication Date: 12/24/11

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