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Hair Feng Shui



Body Feng Shui by Chao-Hsiu Chen

Body Feng Shui: The Ancient Chinese Science of Body Reading



In Feng Shui the external is always considered a mirror of the internal. The marriage of Feng Shui and hair is part of the secret language spoken by the body.

The body, in Feng Shui teachings, is viewed as a microcosm or one small piece of the larger universe.

Feng Shui is the ancient Chinese art of placement and the system of correspondence which has developed from observing nature and human for centuries. For more than 5,000 years this ancient art has been studied and practiced around the world.

Taoist priests were the ones who actually discovered how Feng Shui applied to the human body including the hair.

Their study of how the human body could be fit into Feng Shui paradigms was considered revolutionary at the time. The priests believed all humans are made up of yin and yang, the two complementary parts of the whole, consisting of male and female, light and dark.

My Personal History With Feng Shui

I have a long personal history with Feng Shui which dates back to the early 80s in St. Louis. Initially I investigated the ancient science as a way to supplement my long term study of astrology, which I started studying seriously in my teens.

Unfortunately, my initial studies in Feng Shui were based on the popular theories found in the cookbook HowTo tomes. I became quickly disenchanted with the pop philosophies of Feng Shui since I could find no obvious correlations to the workings of Eastern and Western astrology. I abandoned my studies as a result.

Note: The Feng Shui books listed in this article are all part of my personal library and are highly recommended. In many cases I attended classes, lectures, or both, by some of the authors.

Business Feng Shui


Flying Star Feng Shui by Stephen Skinner

Flying Star Feng Shui: Change your Energy; Change your Luck by Stephen Skinner



Shortly after officially launching in 1997 I became acquainted with an esteemed Chinese Feng Shui master living in Taiwan who subscribed to the ancient tradition of Flying Star Feng Shui.

His teachings were very different than the original cookbook Feng Shui I had initially studied. I was amazed at the accuracy traditional Feng Shui could provide.

In 2000 when HairBoutique moved to its current location, I made a commitment to study the ancient tradition of Feng Shui to help me understand as many ways as possible to help my business grow and survive inevitable challenges.

My extensive studies in traditional Feng Shui continue to this day. I practice methods from several ancient schools including Flying Star in my business and personal life. There are many ways that Feng Shui has helped me on all levels of my life.

While many may be skeptical about the role Feng Shui plays with regard to the human body or even the hair, I have provided the most common beliefs and teachings by those who evaluate these theories.

Hair Feng Shui - Disregard For Modern Hairstyles

In ancient Feng Shui teachings, there is little regard for actual hairstyling techniques as there are in modern times. Instead it's the hair itself which is studied and evaluated with great precision.

Note: For a detailed explanation of how Feng Shui and current hairstyle trends are connected check out: Billy Yamaguchi Feng Shui Beauty: Bringing the Ancient Principles of Balance and Harmony to Your Hair, Makeup and Personal Style.

Although this specific article deals with Feng Shui and hair on the head, true practitioners who specialize in body Feng Shui evaluate all hair which grows on the body in every location.

Feng Shui experts who focus on the study of the tresses analyze the hair's quality, quantity, color, the hair's shine, the direction the hair grows along with the overall appearance of the body in connection with the hair.

Ideally the hair should be neither too thick, thin, too hard or soft. Too much hair is equally as unfavorable as too little hair. This of course ties in with the Feng Shui principles of Yin and Yang or finding true balance.


Flying Star Worksheet



Hair Feng Shui - Direction Of Hair Growth

Body Feng Shui practitioners believe the direction of the hair's growth should be clearly identifiable.

When the growth direction is mixed or hard to recognize, this may indicate unfavorable Feng Shui aspects and potential health or physical imbalances.

Other factors traditional Feng Shui masters evaluate regarding the hair is the vibrancy of the natural color, the shine and/or lack of shine. It is considered more acceptable for women to have softer hair than men.

Feng Shui masters who study the art of hair reading will determine an overall success potential based on a combination of the hair with the general body type.

Hair Feng Shui - General Theories

According to the teachings of body Feng Shui experts, attention should be paid to the following hair and body links:

1. A very thin person with very thick hair may be more prone to experience a varied sexual life, even when this isn't necessarily wanted, or preferred.



Beauty Feng Shui: Chinese Techniques for Unveiling Your Inner Beauty



2. Someone with thick and rough hair, but who fits the other positive body Feng Shui types, may be very successful, in spite of, or because of the fact they will have to fight for it.

If the other body Feng Shui criteria (mainly those involving the face) are not positive, these people may have to work very hard to reach even a minimal level of success.

If someone with rough and thick hair has a very beautiful color as well as a nice shine then success might come more quickly and easily then if these variables are not present.

3. A large or heavy person with thin hair is thought to not have a lot of courage to fight for success. This theory does not mean that they won't be successful, just that they may be lacking in courage in some fashion.

4. The quality of the hair stands in relation to the quality of the skin. The finer the hair, the softer the skin should be. The rougher the skin, the rougher the hair.

Feng Shui Hairstyle Rules

In Feng Shui the following general hairstyle rules are suggested:

1. The forehead should always be completely free of hair. This is because the forehead is considered the sunshine of the soul. In the study of body Feng Shui, when a fringe or bangs cover the forehead, it's considered to be blocking the soul.


Billy Yamaguchi Feng Shui Beauty

Billy Yamaguchi Feng Shui Beauty: Bringing the Ancient Principles of Balance and Harmony to Your Hair, Makeup and Personal Style



People who cover their forehead on a regular basis are believed by Feng Shui practitioners to have gentle and beautiful characters, but may actually be hiding behind a veil of hair.

This belief actually agrees with some theories of modern psychology regarding using hair as a shield to hide from the world.

2. The Feng Shui practitioners advise that the cheeks should never be covered with hair. The cheeks are considered to be the gateway to the soul.

People who cover their cheeks with their hair are considered to either be full of self-doubt or on the flip side, very courageous.

If they are full of self-doubt, it consists of a very deep-seated fear.

When courageous, they may still have secret fears or self-doubt but push past them to accomplish extraordinary feats. Whether full of self-doubt or courageous, these people may still find that they struggle with all types of partnerships.

Feng Shui Hairstyle Rules - Short Hair

Body feng shui experts have definite opinions about the length of the hair. There are different thoughts about those who wear their tresses cut short.

Individuals who wear their hair short are considered to be very independent, open-hearted and self-sufficient. However, people who grow up with extremely short hair are believed by Feng Shui body experts to be deprived of love and affection from their parents. It's believes that later in life these people may crave extra attention and love.


Beauty Feng Shui by Olivia Moogk

Beauty Feng Shui.



People with short hair that is chemically texturized or permed are thought to have a tendency to be insecure and act conservatively in matters of the heart.

Feng Shui Hairstyle Rules - Medium Length Hair

People with shoulder-length hair which is styled so that it curls inward at the ends may tend to have an elegant appearance.

However, they are thought to care mainly about their looks, often ignoring everything else and in some cases may be difficult to get along within relationships.

Feng Shui Hairstyle Rules - Long To Very Long Hair

People with very long, naturally wavy hair my tend to love luxurious life. In order to obtain such a life they are sometimes willing to forfeit deeper studies. In general, these people may tend to be more interested in details than in the big picture.

When the hair is very long, and naturally straight, but not tied back or worn up, the person is thought to be naturally tender, good-willed, and very intelligent.

Feng Shui body readers believe that people with very long hair are attracted to things of love and beauty.

Feng Shui Hairstyle Rules - Braided Or Pinned Up Hair

If the hair is long or exceptionally long and worn plaited into a braid, the wearer of such a hairstyle is considered self-confident, helpful, intelligent and an orderly person. They also are more often than not interested in spiritual matters and less interested in an active social life.


Xuan Kong Flying Stars Feng Shui - An introduction to Flying Stars Feng Shui

Xuan Kong Flying Stars Feng Shui - An introduction to Flying Stars Feng Shui



People with long hair which is worn pinned up are thought by Feng Shui body readers to possess very good taste. They are also considered to be elegant, but may potentially be arrogant at times.

Individuals who only wear their hair combed back and rarely down, are thought to be secretive about their true feelings, which they rarely show.

Although they may not show how they truly feel, they are considered to hold a noble character as well as have a lot of compassion and understanding for children.

Feng Shui Hairstyle Rules - Styling Products

People who use curlers or other heated styling tools to make their long hair wavy or curly are considered romantic with a general desire for a comfortable and perfect life.

They are considered lighthearted with a lack of serious minds. However, they are also considered successful in they tend to get what they want, mostly with very little effort.

People who use a lot of styling gel in their hair are considered untidy by some Feng Shui body experts. Although people with lots of styling gel may appear initially to be friendly, it's not considered an easy task to make friends with them. They are usually more successful in their jobs than in their private lives.

Hairstyles combed from a middle part of direction most likely indicate a person who is honest, courageous and realistic. Hair worn from a side part or styled primarily to the side are considered soft and romantic. Western people who prefer to wear hairstyles from other ethnicities are thought to be constantly looking for new things.

They are also described as people who love to make their own decisions, as well as easily mastering a range of difficult situations.


Feng Shui experts believe there is a direct link between hair and the body. Whether you believe in Feng Shui or the theories of the experts behind it, the premise is still fascinating and worth checking out.

- Revised Publication Date: 08/03/12

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