Hairstyles in the updo world can be tricky. Although there are no fast rules, there are general guidelines followed by most hair professionals. Many hair consumers love to create Do It Yourself (DIY) updos at home. The key for hair consumers is finding updos which are relatively easy to do by themselves rather than depending on the assistance of friends or family. Updo Hairstyles Can Be SubjectiveIt's important to remember updo hairstyles can be very subjective. Hairstyles of any kind are really a matter of individual taste. While some hair professionals and consumers adore the look of a mile-high barrel curl infused updo, others might find it dated or just plain unattractive. Other considerations when selecting or creating an updo should include the hair's basic length, type, texture and current condition. Updo Creation TipsWhen creating an updo consider the following dos:
1. Less Is More - The general rule of thumb when creating any type of updo is to limit the height of the hairstyle to the total number of inches between the bridge of the nose and the beginning of the hairline. Unless you want to be the next Amy Winehouse keep the updo balanced. In general it's always best to keep an updo as simple as possible to avoid creating an overdone hot mess. It's also wise to select updos which are age and even t appropriate. 2. Face Shapes Count - Although the late Amy Winehouse wore her hair in sky high updos, beehives and similar, she had a great face shape to support the look. Her face was oval and well-balance. Amy could pull off hair piled into the stratosphere. Not everyone can. Evaluate your own face shape before reaching for the backcomb brush. 3. Leave Avant Garde Updo To The Pros - While ornately coiffed updos have their place, usually they're not your cousin Ned's wedding or your attendance at your spouses' company Christmas party. While avant garde updos performed by a hair pro can be stunning, make sure that you don't try to do one at home without help or tons of practice. Even better, when in doubt just don't. 4. Classic Updos Always Rock - A beautifully finished French twist, ballerina bun, nape knot or even a sleek beehive bun are always in style for just about every formal hair event. They look elegant and classy. Remember to avoid creating updos which look outdated.
With some practice classic updos can be done easily at home with or without assistance. If you love updos opt for an easy classic to show off your styling skills. 5. Keep Updo Accents Simple Updo guru Barbara Lhotan explained that one of the biggest mistakes hair consumers and pros make when creating updos is using too many accents. Barbara noted that the most beautiful updos are clean, polished and don't have hair sticking out, visible bobby pins or too many accessories. Visible bobby pins or elastic bands may make an updo look cheap, messy or poorly constructed. While a beautiful updo is enhanced with a simple jeweled hair clip, barrette or well-place headband, too many accents such as multiple clip-on braids or colored strands makes the hairstyle look cluttered. 6. Learn Professional Updo Secrets If you love updos and aspire to create them on your own hair learn the pro's go-to secrets:
- If your hair is fine, thin or doesn't hold bobby pins of hairpins make a simple X formation with two pins. This will hold any hair in place securely and keep the bobby pins hidden from view with is important for creating a finished look. - Use elastics and pins the same color as your hair so that if they do accidently slip into view they will be less obvious. - Invest in hair ratts which are foam pieces used to add instant height or shape. Ivana Trump uses ratts and makes her own out of clean pantyhose stuffed to create unique hair shapes. - Top updo experts utilize a wide array of tricks including thread, wire, foam and invisible hairnets to create unique and gorgeous shapes. - Never attempt to create updos on newly washed hair unless it has been properly prepared with styling creams or similar to give the hair grip and hold. - Add-on hair, cap style clip-ins and individual braids are go-to hair pieces for seasoned hairstylist who work with lots of updos.
- Forehead chains are only appropriate for special abstract photo shoots. Ditto with excessive use of clip-in colored strands. - If an updo is described as high octane, mile-high or super sophisticated you may want to pass on attempting the look without the help of a hair professional. - Updos can be created on any hair length, type or texture with the properly styling and hot tools. Clip or fusion style add-on hair can add instant volume or required length. - Hair professionals dedicated to the art of creating stunning updos will often practice hairstyles on mannequin heads before trying them out on human heads. - If you have dark hair remember that updos created on some hair hues will not photograph well. Use hair accessories or contrasting clip-in strands to create definition.
- Pin curls can serve as tasteful accents but should never be overdone or bigger than the rest of the hairstyle. - Always select hair accessories which will not get caught in the hair or overpower the updo. - An updo which is too flat and doesn't have a balanced profile may be less attractive than one that includes appropriate volume and balance throughout. SummaryJust as everyone should have the special go-to little black dress for special events, it's always wise to have a few special updo hairstyles which can instantly transform your look to gorgeous and glam. Although creating updo hairstyles can be tricky if the proper guidelines are followed anyone can learn to style come beautiful classic updos for any special hair occasion. - Revised Date: 01/03/12 | ||||||||||||||||||
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