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HairStyling Sniglets


Eric Von Lockhart

Eric Von Lockhart All Rights Reserved

You know what a "sniglet" is, don't you? It's a madeup word describing something, for example: Destinesea is what happens to you when you walk into a room and forget why you're there.

Get the idea? Now, there are also sniglets that just apply to hair. Is this official? (Well, yes--you're reading it right here, aren't you?)

Hair Sniglet - Description

Snaglet - A tiny hair snarl that occurs in the wispy tendrils around the face.

Warfan -The fan of hair at the back of your head you get when you fall asleep upright in an airplane seat.

Driftage - The dried white residue left in your hair from cheap gel.

Twizzlies -The long hairs in front of your ears you like to twirl while talking on the phone.

Juice Curls - Long, loose curls achieved by wrapping your hair in cleaned orange juice cans.

Gloppish - An umbrella term covering all types of hair finishing products like mousse, gel, etc.

Mousse Droppings - Those blobs of mousse left in the sink when you use too much. (Think Something About Mary & the famous hair mousse scene).

Eric Von Lockhart

Eric Von Lockhart All Rights Reserved

Meno-Dreads - The hair around your ears that gets soaked during hot flashes.

Swoopage - The degree of height of an elaborate updo (think Marge Simpson).

FF (Frizz Factor) -The degree to which a new perm will frizz in high humidity.

CF (Crunch Factor) -The degree of hardness you get using a lot of hair spray.

OF (Ow Factor) -The degree of screaming and crying you get combing out your kid's long hair.

SF (Squeak Factor) -The degree of squeakiness you get with clean, wet hair.

GF (Gunk Factor) - The amount of gunk (i.e., hair gel, mousse, etc.) in your hair.

Spikeflop - What happens when your Bed Head spikes grow too long to stand up straight.

Endforks - Split ends.

Do Holes - Those pesky holes and canyons that form in the back of your hairdo.

Eric Von Lockhart

Eric Von Lockhart All Rights Reserved

Beastlies - The tufts of hair on the back of your neck that have to be shaved with a short haircut.

Hat Head - What you get from mashing a hat down over your hairdo (see Hat Ridge).

Hat Ridge -That doofy-looking ridge all around your head that you get from Hat Head.

Cruffle -(verb) The action of pulling your fingers through the ends of your curls to get them to separate.

Face Lights - Strands of highlighted hair framing your face.

Crudzia - Random foreign objects stuck in your hair.

Rootage - The inch of dark roots that indicate it's time for another highlighting.

Yankettes - The stray hairs that get caught in rings and zippers.

Now, don't you feel better just knowing all these nifty new terms for those everyday hair situations? I'll tell you, it makes my life a whole lot easier when I can go to my stylist and tell her I've got spikeflop!

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Original Publication Date: 10/15/1999 - Revised Date: 07/18/10

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