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Michele Busch: Sizzling Accessory Designs


Michele Busch - Necklace - Three Strand Wine Pearl w/Sterling FlowerI am a big believer in the idea that everything in life happens for a reason and at exactly the right time.

This belief was recently highlighted when I met Michele Busch through an unexpected set of circumstances. (Michele Busch - Necklace - Three Strand Wine Pearl w/Sterling Flower)

In early January I was cleaning out some of the archived files when I discovered a gorgeous Gerard Yosca hair accessory catalog from a couple of years ago.

Although I had originally considered carrying the Yosca line at a few years ago, the timing and my budget was off. Even though it was years since my last contact, on a whim, I picked up the phone and instantly connected with my original Yosca contact.

He sadly informed me that Yosca was no longer designing hair accessories and had moved on to some gorgeous cuff designs. He then invited me to attend a Market show for a group of fashion accessory designers to view Gerald's new cuff collections.

After I made my way to the show I found myself oohing and aahing over the Yosca cuffs. While I was still raving about their beauty, it was suggested that I pop over to the adjoining accessory loft and check out the Michele Busch hair accessory designs since Yosca had dropped out of that niche market. After placing a custom order for eye-popping, limited edition Yosca jeweled cuffs for, I wandered over to check out this "talented designer with sizzling creations".

Michele Busch - Choker Necklace - Pink Pearls & Pink & Brown Accents w/Bone Flower DropI knew that I had hit accessory pay dirt when I realized that Michele's booth area had a long line of buyers patiently waiting for an opportunity to speak to the beautiful young designer. (Michele Busch - Choker Necklace - Pink Pearls & Pink & Brown Accents w/Bone Flower Drop)

After circling the Market a few times and stopping to chat with Eve Reid and ogle the stellar designs by Wendy Mink and Me & Ro, I made my way back to Michele only to discover that the line had gotten longer.

When I finally had my turn to meet with Michele my biggest challenge was exercising self control. Although she had some new hair accessory designs like her pony elastics made from vintage material covered buttons, I was equally taken with her gem and crystal encrusted handcrafted leather bracelets, unique earrings and various chokers.

It All Started With Napkin Holders

Michele Busch - Leather Cuff Bracelet - Mother Of Pearl - RoseAs Michele and I chatted about various pieces that might work well at I learned that she had originally been a hairdresser. (Michele Busch - Leather Cuff Bracelet - Mother Of Pearl - Rose)

When she retired approximately six years ago to take care of her growing family, she found that she continued to exercise her artistic and creative muscles. Michele painted and crafted beautiful, original gifts. One thing lead to another and she started hand crafting beautiful hand beaded napkin holders that ultimately were discovered and sold by high end boutiques.

The good news was that the napkin holders were a big hit. The bad news? Michele discovered to her amazement that many of the boutique customers were ignoring the fact that the napkin rings were designed to hold napkins. Instead many were trying to squeeze the rings onto their wrists to wear as bracelets, ultimately tearing up "and taking apart" the original jeweled ring designs.

When Michele ultimately heard what the customers were trying to do with her pieces, she decided to go ahead and create a line of hand beaded bracelets.

From Giftware To High Fashion Accessories

Michele Busch - Leather Cuff Bracelet - Rose Quartz & ButterscotchOver the years Michele's designs continued to evolve from napkin holders and bracelets to earrings, necklaces, chokers and hair accessories at a rapid pace. (Michele Busch - Leather Cuff Bracelet - Rose Quartz & Butterscotch)

Although she originally showed her first Michele Busch collections in the various gift marketplaces, she was encouraged by her many customers and buyers to migrate from giftware into the fashion accessory world.

As Michele's pieces became more ornate and spectacular, she found that she felt most at home in the accessory arena. Which is where I ultimately discovered her back in January.

Quality Counts

Michele Busch - Set of Vintage Fabric, Vinyl Covered Button, Pony Elastics (6)During our first meeting Michele and I discussed how we could ultimately work together selling her gorgeous designs through the Marketplace.

(Michele Busch - Set of Vintage Fabric, Vinyl Covered Button, Pony Elastics (6))

We agreed that with Michele's assistance I would select a series of various pieces that would ultimately be custom crafted for sale in the HairBoutique Marketplace.

One of the first things I noticed about the Michele Busch collection, other than the fact that everything was incredibly beautiful, was the amazing attention to detail and exceptional quality.

Michele explained that she hand picks all the materials used for each piece. She also creates each and every design. The accessories are carefully handcrafted at her Dallas area workshop by a group of handpicked workers that have been carefully trained by Michele to execute her designs with extreme precision.

Michele Busch - Choker - Ribbon & Beaded Wine Hued w/Vintage Czech FlowerMichele explained that she is known for being extremely focused on delivering only the highest quality of accessories items to her boutique buyers. (Michele Busch - Choker - Ribbon & Beaded Wine Hued w/Vintage Czech Flower)

In addition to her known attention to quality and detail, another one of her design strengths has always been her natural good sense of color. Michele's buyers have always complimented her on her amazing ability to make diverse colors work well together and form a spectacular piece.

Although she is very picky about each piece in every collection, Michele also designs with an eye to value.

Contemporary Designs

Michele Busch - Set of Vintage Fabric, Vinyl Covered Button, Pony Elastics (6)One of the items that really caught my eye was Michele's unusual vintage material, vinyl covered button pony elastics (shown to the side).

(Michele Busch - Set of Vintage Fabric, Vinyl Covered Button, Pony Elastics (6))

They were very retro looking yet fresh and original and they were a perfect manifestation of Michele's eye for color combos. The buttons, as Michele explained it, came out of her desire to create a new and edgy pony elastics that was a departure from the same old designs.

Michele seeks out the cool and the different. She is always experimenting with ideas for her latest accessory designs.

She confessed that she was not exactly sure how her button pony elastics would be received but "never say never" when you are trying new ideas. And yes, the latest pony accessories were a smash hit.

Buyer feedback was centered around the uniqueness and beauty of these new elastics which come in a set of six buttons in varying sizes. The advantage to these new hair accessories is that they can be worn in the hair, on the wrist or on the ankle. The smallest buttons might also be worn as a funky ring.

Winning Fans & Media

Not only are boutique owners and buyers clamoring for Michele's one-of-a-kind designs, but the media has discovered her fresh new collections. Although Michele was originally discovered for her hand beaded jeweled napkin rings, which evolved into bracelets and cuffs, ultimately she has made a name for herself with her earring designs. Michele confided that she has many buyers who are devoted to the collection of her earring pieces. In fact, Michele confided that her many buyers often snap up any of her new earring designs first, since they go so quickly.

Recently Michele's earrings were featured in Teen People and in Lincoln Road Magazine in Miami. She was also told that Carmen Electra was spotted wearing one of Michele's chokers. The popularity of Michele's designs are definitely catching on with fashion editors and will be appearing in some major magazines in the future.


As Michele Busch continues to evolve as a designer, expect to see lots of amazing new collections spring from her special eye for color, quality and beauty.

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