I am a 16 yr old guy who wants hair extensions.....but the problem is that i don't know if it will look alright? How long does my hair have to be for extensions? Do guys get hair extensions?
Teen Wolf
Dear Wolf,
Although it's not heavily publicized, guys do actually get hair extensions.
New York based hair extension expert Barbara Lhotan, who is certified in several of the top hair extension systems (Great Lengths, SoCap, to name a few) confirmed to me that men of all ages (from teens to older) get hair extensions.
Barbara reported that several male celebrities like Brad Pitt have worn hair extensions, although it's not highly publicized.
[caption id="attachment_568" align="alignright" width="178" caption="Brad Pitt With Longer Hair"]
How long does your hair to be in order to have hair extensions applied? According to Barbara it's best to have 6" of hair so that any add-on hair can be securely attached.
Depending on whether you wish to get extensions to add length or to add volume the length of your natural hair can vary a little bit.
If you work with a hair extension professional who is skilled with add-on hair attachment they can look amazing. Especially if hair of the highest quality is used.
Best wishes,
Karen Marie Shelton AskKarenBy submitting your question, you grant full permission to to publish it. Due to the volume of mail we receive, Karen regrets that she cannot respond to every question personally.
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