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Sarah Jessica Parker Unsexy?

Sarah Jessica Parker Unsexy

Sarah Jessica Parker Unsexy?

Maxim Magazine has officially named Sarah Jessica Parker (SJP) as being The Unsexiest Woman.

The always classy Sex And The City (SATC) icon replied to the mean Maxim label by saying "It's so brutal in a way, so filled with rage and anger. It upset [husband Matthew Broderick] because it has to do with his judgment, too."

What can women do to show support of SJP?  I for one am now officially boycotting Maxim Magazine, which I used to always buy to check out all the men's fashion as well as the hair articles and images.

Of course just little ole me doesn't do any good, but I've talked to all my female friends who are asking their guys to also boycott the magazine.

If enough people stop buying and supporting Maxim, advertisers included, maybe they will stop promoting such trash talk in their pages.

Which reminds me. You may want to locate a Maxim Magazine, find a list of their biggest advertisers and send them emails and notes to let them know how displeased you are they're supporting an open attack of women in our society.

Sarah Jessica Parker With Chignon

List Of Other Unsexy Women Celebrities

Maxim didn't just attack Sarah Jessica.  They also hit low below the belt with Amy Winehouse, Sandra Oh, Brittany Spears (why not kick someone when they're down) and Madonna.

While it's obvious Maxim is doing this to get news and drive up magazine sales, it stinks that they are doing it at the expense of women.  Regardless if they're in the public eye or not.

Note to Sunsilk. You may wish to avoid Maxim or their parent company when placing those billion dollar hair ads.

Where's the justice?  Why won't Maxim list the men by name and email who promoted these "Unsexy" women? Who thought of this? It's worse than a Mean Guys group in high school. Except it's led now by the boys.

Sarah Jessica are beautiful and talented and your fans adore you. I for one love that you are classy, elegant and sexy and always in touch with your inner beauty.

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