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Lorraine Massey's Views On Straightening Naturally Curly Hair

Lorraine Massey's Views On Straightening Naturally Curly Hair


Lorraine Massey's Views On Straightening Naturally Curly Hair Lorraine Massey's Views On Straightening Naturally Curly Hair

Curly hair guru and author Lorraine Massey, founder, encourages naturally curly folks to embrace their ringlets rather than quell them.

Massy is the founder (and former) co-owner of Devachan Salon & Departure Lounge.

She is also the developer of the eternally popular Deva Curl hair care line, which is built on the No Poo foundation.

The lovely Massey, whom I had the great fortune to meet more than once, encourages those with naturally curly to embrace their ringlets rather than squash them.

Lorraine was interviewed for the September 2, 2008, issue of The New York Observer by Sara Vilkomerson.

The interview featured the issue of  straightening Actress Meg Ryan's simulated naturally curled tresses (Meg has naturally wavy strands) in the film "The Woman"

Pathetic Curly Hair Pressure

At the end of the film, Meg dumps her curls to symbolize her growing success in life.  It's a strong visual message that Meg dramatically alters her hair to signify embracing success.

Of course, this also presents the idea that having curly hair was holding her back.  "This whole pathetic straightening religion ... it's modern-day slavery," said Ms. Massey.

The always passionate and outspoken classically trained hairdresser is determined to promote the Love Your Curls Movement.  She said: "everyone is trying to hide from their heritage-it's anthropological. It goes very deep."


Breaking A Vicious Curly Hair Cycle

Lorraine Massey's Views On Straightening Naturally Curly Hair Lorraine Massey's Views On Straightening Naturally Curly Hair

Ms. Massey was also completely livid over a previous run-in with the producers for Bravo's Tim Gunn's "Guide to Style."  The show provided makeovers to the fashion-challenged.

The producers asked her to participate in the hair makeovers.

She agreed on the condition that for the final "reveal," they wouldn't straighten the participant's hair.  The producers ended up doing anyway.

"They just don't understand my view on this," Ms. Massey said. "My whole philosophy is not to perpetuate the same crap over and over again."

Shari Harbinger, the (former) VP of education for Devachan, agreed: "Hollywood is reacting, but Hollywood is also enabling this vicious cycle."

Harbinger explained: "Lorraine and I often refer to it like the drug addict and the drug dealer cycle."


False Beliefs Over Beauty Of Curly Hair

"Hollywood will embrace this truth when the people that are behind it get it, "Harbinger explained. Then they will "do what they can to reeducate the union stylists and designers."

"This is something that we at Deva want to get involved with. It's almost like the Democratic convention. We have to first undo years of lies and then reeducate, motivate and guide them to the truth."

The truth is that "curlies can have 'neat' and refined curls if the people who tend to them know what they are doing. In fact, this will significantly change the perception from a false belief to a new understanding of the beauty of curly hair."

Harbinger originally joined Devachan Salon, a long-time hair industry leader, where she partnered with the previous co-founder to help develop the DevaCurl brand. Her expertise and leadership abilities helped build the brand that DevaCurl ultimately became.

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