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Natural Curl Nazis

Keri Russell With Short Natural Curls At 2000 Emmy Awards

Natural Curl Nazis

I was recently called out in a blog titled "Love Your Natural Curls"  for an article I wrote a few years back about a female celebrity who was showing off a new short hairstyle which happened to be bursting with curls.

I was tagged by a self-proclaimed Natural Curl Nazi because I failed to discuss the fact that the celebrity in question didn't possess naturally formed curls, but had received obvious curl creation assistance from styling tools in order to showcase tightly formed texture.

While it's true that the celebrity in question wasn't born with super tight curls, she was blessed with natural texture in the form of soft waves with a hint of curls.  The celebrity loved to showcase her hair textures by enhancing her slight curls.

So what's the big deal?  Apparently Ms. Natural Curl Nazi was upset that I had referred to the celebrity's short curly hairstyle without making it crystal clear that the celeb's hair was not naturally tightly curled without curl assistance.

Ironically the celebrity in question loves wearing her hair with lots of curls.  In Hollywood curl enhanced hairdos are often the exception rather than the rule.  Many celebrities born with tight natural curls do everything in their power to eliminate them through a variety of chemical or styling means.   So why not celebrate a celebrity who is a walking advertisement for beautiful curls and texture?  Regardless of how she got them.

Are Curly Hairstyles The Sole Property Of People With Naturally Curly Textures?

Keri Russell With Natural Curls At "Into The West" Premiere

Since when did curly hairstyles become the sole property of people with naturally curly textures? And when did it become a crime to write about curl enhanced hairstyles, even if the curls are not 100% natural or tightly formed?

Does this mean that anyone who dares to wear a hairstyle embellished with curls, even if the curls are not natural, is an instant Natural Curl Criminal?

Who are these Natural Curl Nazis who attack any type of curls which don't fit into their self-proclaimed Natural Curl Categories?  And who is giving them all this curl enforcement power?

How To Hair Articles And Natural Curls

Over the years I've received a variety of emails complaining because some of the "curly hair styles" I've showcased in various How To articles didn't specifically show tight natural curls.

There have also been rumblings as a result of hairstyles I've shown which are not specifically designed for people with natural curls, even though I go out of my way to provide disclaimers.

Keri Russell With Curls Pulled Into Ballerina Style Bun

Quite frankly this is all a bit puzzling to me since I've written many ongoing tips, articles and blogs about natural curls and related texture for years.  I love any type of curls, waves, coils, kinks and related.

Featuring Natural Curl Experts

I also love any type of natural curl topics.  In fact, I was one of the first on the Web to write about natural curls, waves, coils and kink styling tips and issues.

History will show that I wrote a special feature article about Ouidad (Queen Of Natural Curl) back in 1997.  This was two years before any other websites dealing with natural curls were even launched.

I was also one of the first to interview Lorraine Massey when she published her first Curly Girl book.

My own hair is blessed with a very loose natural curl intermingled with my natural waves.  As a result, I've dealt with natural textured hair my entire life.

As a pre-teen I had a series of bad hair days because I had not yet learned to handle the frizz that accompanies natural textures.  Even still, I did not give up my quest to enjoy my own textures.

Dealing With Hair Boredom

I'll confess that at various times in my life I've temporarily straightened my hair only to add back curls through a variety of curling techniques.  I'm a seasoned pro with hot irons, electric rollers, sponge, self-adhesive and rag curlers as well as pin curls.

Truth be told sometimes I just get bored with my hair and feel like changing up my natural hair texture.  Sometimes I love it amped up with natural waves or curls and at other times I love it bone straight. But is that a hair crime?

In the name of self-love and expression shouldn't I be allowed to wear my hair how I want to in whatever way feels best for me?  Everyone should always have that right.

Curls Can Be Worn By Anyone

Keri Russell With Barely There Long Natural Curls

In reality curls can be created on just about any type of hair.   Wearing hair curly should never be limited to just those with natural curls.

While it's true that some types of hair (fine/thin) may not hold newly created curls as long as for other types of hair, curls can be created for anyone with the proper products and tools.  Even pin curls can be created on the shortest of hairstyles.

Of course I understand that people with natural curls have endured years of discrimination for their hair texture.  I also understand the media has had a history of  imposing their own ideas about natural curls and how they should be worn on people.  The media has demonstrated the same prejudices with regard to fashion, hair color and even nail polish.

I completely support the naturally texture hair movement.  I think it's fabulous when people honor, love and embrace their natural curls, waves, coils, kinks or related textures.

However, I'm also a believer in equal rights for all hair types, textures, lengths, colors and hair styles.  If  someone has naturally curly hair and loves to wear it natural, that's fabulous.  But don't dump on hair consumers who weren't born naturally curly but enjoy creating them on their non-curly tresses.

Reverse Form Of Natural Curl Discrimination

Keri Russell With Medium Length Soft Curls

Attacking people who wear curly hairstyles and didn't happen to be born with them is a reverse form of natural curl hair discrimination.  Calling out bloggers or the media for not posting specific disclaimers about someone's natural hair type just seems like folly.

Just as people with naturally curly hair don't like to be judged, criticized or called out for loving their natural curls, the reverse should be true for people who enjoy wearing curls, but weren't born with them.

If anything, people with natural curls should be flattered that others without natural texture want to adopt the textured look.

Charles Caleb Colten is famous for saying that "imitation is the sincerest form of flattery."  So why not be flattered when those with minimal or no curls want to adopt the look.

Curly hair consists of curls, regardless of how they are created.  Curly hair can be naturally curly or it can be created with a little help from hair care products, hot curling tools, hair curlers or bobby pins.

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