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Dakota Fanning Wants To Go To College

Star of the recently released Coraline, Dakota Fanning, appeared on Dave Letterman's The Late Show with David Letterman at the Ed Sullivan Theater in New York City.  Her segment with Dave appeared on Friday night (February 6th)

The almost 14 year old (February 23, 1994) who turns "15 in three weeks" looked stunning in a short navy blue satin short jumpsuit.

Long Straight Strands

Her buttery blonde hair was long and stick straight with a side part.  Her hair had lots of shine and movement.  Dakota was also wearing very high dark hued heels.  She looked much older than her 14 1/2 years.

Dave talked to Dakota about the previous times she had been on his show (2003, June 2005) to visit and told her she needed to come by more often.

Stuffed Squirrels And Dakota's Dog

During the course of the interview Dakota told Dave that during her visit to the show Dave gave her a stuffed squirrel which she still has.  Why did Dave give her that squirrel?  At the time the young actress wanted a dog but her parents were not letting her have one.   She told Dave she still has the stuffed squirrel he gave her.

Things have changed, Dakota has a dog now named Llwellyn after a character in a movie she was in.  Dave showed a photo of Dakota's dog and she is a white Snoodle.  Dakota said she loves her dog so much.  She seemed very impressed that Dave knew what a Snoodle (miniature poodle and miniature schnauzer).

Dave show an image of a crazy dog that was a couple of types glued together.

Getting Good Grades In School

Dave asked Dakota if she wanted to go to college after high school (she is currently in the 10th grade) and she told him she did.  College has been a dream for her and her parents support her.

She also told Dave she had just finished her exams for the last semester explaining she attended a private school in Los Angeles where they have exams in between each semester.  When Dave asked how she did with her marks (grades in school) said she had gotten her grades and she had gotten all As except in one class where she didn't get an A.

The young actress didn't say what her grade was in the class where she didn't get the A.  However, she did say it was in geometry which she found to be quite tricky.

Dakota and Dave briefly discussed the differences between geometry and alegebra and Dave indicated algebra is usually harder than geometry.  Dakota said it was the other way around for her and she had a harder time in geometry.

Getting Her Driver's License

Dave and Dakota discussed driving and when Dakota would be driving.  She said she had a little time before she could legally drive but she would be taking driving classes and when she was 15 1/2 she would get her drivers permit and get her license when she turned 16.

She also admitted the only driving she has done now was behind the wheel of a golf course on movie sets.  Dakota explained that the actors drive between sets.  She also confessed she had a wreck at one point while driving a golf cart.  Dave asked Dakota if she played golf and she said no but her grandfather played golf almost every day.

Dakota's First Name Is Really Hannah

Dave told Dakota she had a great name - Dakota Fanning - she explained that her full name is Hannah Dakota Fanning.  She also told Dave it is a family tradition to go by the middle name.  She has never gone by Hannah.

Her mother also goes by her middle name as does her sister.  Dave said it was a little confusing when she talks to other people who think her name is really Hannah.  Dakota said her whole name thing is a little confusing.

Dave played a clip of her latest movie Coraline which she told Dave she has been working on for almost five years.  It is the first movie that is completely done in three D but they could only film a few seconds of usable film every day.

Dakota said the set for Coraline were "huge" and they used models which were pretty good sized.  Dave teased Dakota about whether or not they needed to wear special three D glasses to prevent going blind.  Dave and Dakota actually wore the special 3-D glasses while they watched the preview.

Coraline Doing Well At The Box Office

Coraline opened at the box office this weekend and is doing well so far.  What do you think, will you be going to see Coraline at the box office?

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