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Naomi Watts Memory Loss After New Baby

Ellen introduced Naomi Watts (born 28 September 1968, in England) by saying "our next guest is a great actress whose new movie "The International" is now in theaters."  Ellen said "please welcome Naomi Watts."

(Image of Naomi Watts - - All Rights Reserved).

The blonde actress glided onto the stage wearing her long (bra strap length) hair sprinkled with loose waves and had on tight dark jeans, a dark chocolate fitted jacket and a light blue filmy top.  She rounded out her sleek but casual chic look with black stilettos.  Naomi cut a long and lean profile just a few weeks after having a baby.  She gave the talk show hostess a hug.

Naomi's Two Babies

Ellen greeted the star by saying "I don't know how you're doing it?  Naomi how long has it been since you've been here?"  The beautiful blond new mother said "I don't know, you tell me.  It's been awhile."

Ellen said "I think its been a couple of years... I don't think." Naomi replied "longer".  The hostess inquired "did you have a child the last time you were here?" Naomi replied "no" and "I've had another (child)." Ellen said "now you've had two" and Naomi said "two."

Ellen asked "how old are they?" Naomi said "They're both under two (years old).  One's 8 weeks and one's 19 months."  The hostess said "that's insane. 19 months?  He's walking at 19 months?"

Naomi said "yeah.  Ellen said you're walking around and now you have an 8 month old and you're promoting a movie?"  The actress laughed "yeah its kinda crazy."  Ellen was amazed and questioned "how did you have time to have a child in between?  How did you have time?  When did you shoot this movie (The International)?"

Naomi said "I know, I can't remember anything, it all just sort of like happened."  Ellen laughed "yeah, well it didn't just happen Naomi.  There are certain events."  The actress replied "it freaks me out when I think about it and I have to try and explain it.  It's bizarre."

Naomi Can't Remember

Ellen said "What are their names? Naomi said "I can't remember."

She paused...."No, we've got Sasha and he is the 19 month old."  Ellen showed a photo of Naomi's toddler son with his father and it appeared they were sharing a long pipe.  The actress looked at the photo and said "that's him with his Dada."  She looked a bit longer and said "what are they doing?"  Ellen said "yeah, I don't know either.  That's an odd thing."  Naomi said "are they smoking a pipe?"

Naomi explaied "that's Sasha (Alexander) and then there's Samuel Kai." Ellen inquired "is that a family name? Samuel Kai?"

Naming The Baby

Namoi said "no" it's not a family name.  She explained "we couldn't decide, we literally couldn't decide on the name until we got to the hospital, and well even three days after and we liked both Samuel and Kai and we still couldn't decide if we wanted Kai Samual or Samual Kai."  She said "but It's Samuel Kai (Samuel Kai Schreiber) now and we call him Sammy and its a bit of a baby name so we'll probably."

Ellen confirmed "Sammy?  Yeah?"  Naomi said "Samual is not so much of a baby name. No that's more of a man's name."  Then she said "I know, choochi choochie, Sammy. It didn't feel right."

The hostess changed the subject and said "how, because I hear about these things.  You just - You're not sleeping I'm sure?

Naomi said "no, no sleep. Literally because I'm feeding all through the night. He's still eating every three to four hours."  Ellen cracked "oh they're selfish. So you're feeding all through the night and you have to come, how are you staying alert?"

The actress said "oh I'm not.  I'm really never grounded. I feel like I'm always five steps behind." She continued "and also what happens with the sleep deprivation your toddler (Sasha) regresses a little bit.  So his sleeping through the night (changes).  See he knows that every time Sammy cries he getting feed so he's "hey what about me? Give me a bottle.  You know?"

Ellen said "So he's waking up now.  How is Liev?"  The actress confirmed "Liev is a very hands on dad.  But hes not able.... he does Sasha in the night, but he can't Sammie because I'm breast feeding."

Ellen replied "Sure.  Yeah."

Naomi said "although with the first one he (Liev) was like "I want the man boob".

Ellen said "aha.... whatttt?"

Naomi explained "you get those things, I think, and you can attach them (to your chest) and they feed through a tube its to create the bounding experience."

Ellen appeared shocked "really?"

Naomi said "I know that happens and you know I think some women do it."

Ellen leaned over and smelled Naomi's drink and replied I "wanted to see what you're drinking. I've never heard of this."   The actress said "it's true."  Ellen said "and that creates? I thought it was the milk itself that was the bonding not necessarily that it came through a man boob."

Naomi explained "well I think its you like the experience of looking in their eyes, the closeness."

Ellen said "I did not know that.  I learned something new today."  Naomi said "I hope I'm right."  Ellen said "its OK if you're not."

Ellen asked the actress "now when your boys get older do you think you'll show them this?" and she showed a Tampax tampon commercial to the audience and Naomi.  the Tampax commercial was featuring a very young Naomi.

Ellen asked if it was her first commercial? Naomi said "no I don't think it was my first commercial but it was definitely one of the big ones, it was definitely a break for me."  Ellen asked if she made a lot of money and Naomi said the commercial "made her $15,000."

Ellen wondered "and now did you enjoy that or did you say, ohhh what have I done?"  Naomi said "no, that was, that (commercial) probably got me another job."

The hostess said "yeah exactly. And look at you now.  You're doing great.  You're fantastic. Take care of yourself."

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