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Mischa Barton Headband's Rated As Overpriced

One of my favorite blogs is and my interest was piqued when I noticed the popular blog was asking their faithful readers to vote in a poll on whether they would be rushing off to the boutiques to buy Mischa Barton's line of headbands designed by accessory designer Stacy Lapidus.

(Image of Jennifer Behr Headband - Exclusive Handmade Design For - Available in the Marketplace - SRP"$53).

The results of the poll were 9% said they would buy from Mischa's hair accessory line which retails from a pricey $90 to a very pricey $200 or more. 

Over 90% of those that answered the poll said there was no way they would buy from Mischa's new line created by Stacy Lapidus.

Many of the comments focused on the high price of the headbands which users felt was over the top.

Others referenced the fact that Mischa has fallen out of the spotlight and is no longer sizzling like she was in the old days.

(Image of Karen Marie Fuax Croc Silver Metallic Headband SRP:  $8.00 - Available in The Marketplace)

Bottom line?  While headbands continue to sizzle in general, those in the upper stratosphere...not so much.  Especially when hawked by a cooled off celebrity like Mischa Barton.

(Camilla Headband In Black Satin - Available In The Marketplace - SRP $3.50)

If you want gorgeous headbands at great prices ranging from $3 and above, check out the Marketplace with literally thousands of different styles, colors, shapes and designers to choose from.  Anyone can still enjoy adorning their tresses without breaking the bank.

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If your spare elastic ponytail bands run wild in your bag, wrap them around your keeps your money intact and helps you instantly locate the bands.
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