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Paula Deen Comes From Family Of Pants Droppers

Paula Deen Comes From Family Of Pants Droppers

PaulaDeenWithEmerilBobbyFlay2010_250h Bobby Flay, Paula Deen and Emeril Lagasse Barneys New York Unveils Their "Have a Foodie Holiday" Themed Windows on November 16, 2010 - ©PR

I don't know if you are a fan of Paula Deen or not.

I certainly am. Unfortunately I can't always catch her various shows because my eyeballs, much like those of a little Pug, might just pop right out.

My eyeballs are at risk because I'm already gorging on way too many TV shows. Yes, I enjoy the shows I watch, but I also do it for work and making sure I am plugged into what is going on.

In case you didn't hear, at one point not too long ago, Paula had a oopsie with her pants in front of an audience.

The lovely and charming cooking queen was so delightful about the entire incident. Paula laughed it off and recovered with grace.

I love Paula's stunningly beautiful white hair. She flaunts her snow white tresses and wears her hair in a very flattering layered hairstyles. Her lovely hair highlights her gorgeous skin.

PaulaDeen-14_250h Paula Deen - Miss USA 2010 Pageant - Arrivals Venue & Location: Planet Hollywood Resort and Casino / Las Vegas, NV, USA - ©PR

Oprah and her friend Gayle decided to have Paula Skype right on in to their chat fest to discuss what happened.

Paula is so sweet you just want to find her and give her a hug.  She is typical of lots of women you met in The South.

I should know, I have lived in the South for the past 25+ years.

Details On Why Paula Deen Comes From Family Of Pants Droppers

Paula explained to Oprah and Gayle, who first played a clip of her pants falling down, "I've decide those those fried chicken I eat are doing pilates".

The famous chef went on to say she was wearing {{asin=B00BPC00V6,text=shapewear}} under her pants.

She continued explaining to Oprah, "you know how nothing clings to them" (the shapewear). Paula told Brandon on her staff, who was putting her pants on her "you know Brandon these britches are too big"

She reported he said "just put the damn things on. So when they put those packs on me (the microphone packs) and then she stood back so the cameras could see, "they're just loose, they're just loose."

Paula said "and when they put those packs on me, when I made a quick turn they (her pants) went down to her knees and it was definitely Moon Over Miami."

PaulaDeenCBSPriceIsRight14_250h Special guest Paula Deen during an episode of CBS' Emmy Award-winning THE PRICE IS RIGHT on the CBS Television Network. Photo: Cliff Lipson/CBS. ©2011 CBS BROADCASTING INC. All Rights Reserved.

Dropping A Glass Into Oprah's Mixing Bowl

Oprah told Paula her pants falling down was funnier than when the famous chef visited her show and they had an incident with a glass and a bowl.

Paula said "not a day goes by that someone doesn't mention the time I was on Oprah's show and dropped the glass into the mixing bowl."

Paula was hilarious talking about the incident with the glass in the bow.

She told Gayle "she messed in her britches that day" because she was afraid she was going to "blind the Queen (Oprah)" and everyone was going to "hate her guts".

Gayle mentioned how Paula has "such a great sense of humor" and played her pants falling down as "no big deal".

Oprah's friend said she would have been "mortified, mortified", but Paula acted like she thought it was funny. And it was.

When Her Granny Dropped Her Drawers

Paula told a story about taking her grandmother to a funeral some time in the past and how her grandmother was in a walker and somehow her skirt fell down and her granny, unlike Paula, had nothing on underneath her skirt...not a slip, not shapewear, not anything."

PaulaDrewCareyCBSPriceIsRight-17_250h Special guest Paula Deen with Drew Carey during an episode of CBS' Emmy Award-winning THE PRICE IS RIGHT on the CBS Television Network. Photo: Cliff Lipson/CBS. ©2011 CBS BROADCASTING INC. All Rights Reserved.

Paula said it was so funny, she had to pick herself off the pavement. She finished her story by saying "my grandmother, myself."  I guess it's safe to say dropping their draws runs in Paula's family.

What was even more hilarious about the incident was watching Paula and Gayle and Oprah all try to talk to each other at the same time, which is one of the challenges I have noticed about Skype. It definitely can be hard to determine when someone is finished talking which may cause the overlapping.

Summary - Paula Deen Comes From Family Of Pants Droppers

The charming and hilarious Paula Deen is always interesting to watch. She had a very funny interview with Oprah about how she comes from a family of pants droppers.

Luckily Paula was saved by wearing {{asin=B003H6GG48,text=shapewear}} under the pants she dropped, but her dear grandmother wasn't so fortunate.  You've gotta love Paula's witty stories about her life and her family.

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