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Oprah Talked Hair With Polygamy Women In Texas

Oprah Winfrey spent her show on Monday, March 30th with exclusive access to the FLDS Yearning for Zion ranch in Texas.

Nearly one year ago, Texas authorities raided the FLDS ranch in El Dorado. Various members of the media have been allowed onto the ranch at various times since the initial raid, but no media outlet quite like the Oprah show has been allowed exclusive access.  That's quite an accomplishment for Oprah.

During her visit Oprah did interviews with many of the residents which included the women.  Some of the women Oprah chatted with included polygamous wives as well as teenage girls.

(Image of Nicolette Grant played by actress Chloe Sevigny - HBO Big Love - All Rights Reserved).

As any woman should Oprah noticed and commented on the hairstyles of the women.  She asked at one point "can somebody explain the hairdos to me please....with the poofy thing?"

According to the women their hair is "just the style" while others claimed the hair "hasn't always been" this way.  The women seemed to indicate that the hairstyles change according to the times and that if Oprah came back at some time in the future, the hair would be different.

One of the women took the time to show Oprah how to accomplish the basic braided and pouffed hairstyle which involves teasing.  The hairstyle demonstrator told Oprah it can take anywhere from 5-15 minutes to create the basic braided style.

I have to confess that the hairstyle in question reminded me very much of the way the women on Big Love wear their hair on the compound which is a polygamous sect of the Mormon Church.  Sometimes Nikki and her female relatives wear their hair with the pouf at the crown and the long braid down the back.

The question is whether the women in Texas copied their hairstyles from Big Love and other Mormon sects or they always wore it that way and maybe the Big Love hairdressers got their inspiration from them?

In general, Mormons believe that the body is sacred. It is believed that how you dress should reflect the respect that the Lord has for you and that you have for yourself.

Mormon prophets have always stressed that clothing and hairstyles should be modest-slanting always closer to decency than exposure.  There are some Mormons that believe women should never cut their hair, thus they have the long hair which is often wrapped into buns or braided.  Not all Mormons believe that women should never cut their hair but some do.  It depends on a variety of factors.

Regardless, one thing that should be noted about all of this chatter.  Women, regardless of their age, sex, race, background or religious beliefs will always be able to come together over one common interest.  Yep, you got it.  Hair.

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