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Natasha Henstridge Shaved Her Head

A year ago in the March 2008 issue of Us Weekly the beautiful blonde actress Natasha Henstridge (Eli Stone, Commander In Chief) was dishing with Us Magazine's Aili Riley along with actress Sofia Vergara and celebrity hairdresser Ken Paves in a Beauty Roundtable.

(Image of Natasha Henstridge with long blonde hair at Elton John's Birthday Party, March 27, 2009 - - All Rights Reserved).

I was mesmerized by some of the answers especially since I have known Ken Paves for years and when Natasha was on Commander In Chief I knew her set hairdresser.  I heard on a regular basis about Natasha's hair and how the producers wanted it coiffed to portray her character more effectives (they wanted it down to give her a softer edge).

Biggest Beauty Blunder?

One of the most interesting questions Aili Riley of Us asked the three "beauty" experts was did they ever have "a beauty blunder?"  Natasha said "I once shaved off all my hair.  My head looked like Beetlejuice!  I look better with some hair."   

I actually don't encourage people to shave off all their hair unless they want to adopt the shaved or bald head as a long time look.  Why?  All bets are off that your original hair will grow back exactlyh the same as before.  Sometimes when heads are completely shaved the hair that grows back is a different texture, type and even color.

Yes, there are times shaved hair will grow back exactly the same but there are just as many times that it will not.  Of course it is all a personal matter but with Natasha, it was obviously not a great experience.

Biggest Beauty Secret

While Natasha was so forthright with her biggest beauty blunder of shaving her head bald, she did also share her biggest beauty secret.  She said that "Clé de Peau makes a bronzer for blondes that doesn't make you orange.  It just gives you a little glow and people say "You look so healthy."

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