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Joan Rivers Gunning For Annie Duke On Celeb Apprentice

In Episode 207 of The Celebrity Apprentice which aired on Sunday, April 12, 2009 Joan Rivers saw the dark side of World Series of Poker (WSOP) Champion Annie Duke.

Apparently Joan had dined with Annie Duke on the night before the Boardroom episode.  As the story goes, Ultimate Bet pro Annie told Joan she was going to push for Playboy Playmate Brande Roderick to be fired in the boardroom.  Instead, Annie threw her favor behind Brande hugging and kissing her in the hallway before the ultimate firing of team member Brian McKnight.

Next week’s installment could even feature an appearance by Duke’s arch-rival, poken champion Phil Hellmuth.

Melissa Rivers who did survive the boardroom was shocked and disgusted by the sudden turn of events between Annie and Brande who suddenly became best, best friends.  Indeed, the red haired Annie and the beautiful blonde Brande appeared to thick as theives and definitely gunning for Melissa.

Joan felt completely betrayed by Annie, calling her a snake.  Joan was so upset by the sudden turn of events with Annie she threw her celebratory champagne glass onto the floor, breaking it and getting covered with bubbly.

For the current task, a jewelry auction, Joan became the project manager for KOTU and Annie Duke was the project model for Athena.  It was obvious that Joan and Annie hated each other.  It became a little hard to watch Annie and Brande.  They were foaming sweetness and light.

I have to say if I were hiring people from Celebrity Apprentice I would definitely hire Joan and Melissa since they are both very competitive and hard working.  The Donald did say "Melissa is a little bratty and no one is liking her" to Piers Morgan, a former Celebrity Apprentice called in by Trump to help be his eyes and ears. The episode continues next Sunday, April 19th, at 9:00pm ET on NBC. Annie's arch enemy Hellmuth did not appear in its preview.

Annie Duke was being very aggressive and literally told her team that whoever raised the least amount of money for the team would be taken into the board room and fired.  Definitely not a wonderful way to instill team unity.  In fact, Jesse James, whom I also would hire because of his work ethics, told the camera he would want to raise money for his own private charity.

I agree Brande is beautiful but she and Annie are trouble.  I personally am pulling for Joan and Melissa Rivers and hope to see Annie and Brande on the chopping block.  I also don't like Clint Black because he is so stubborn and outspoken.   I am very impressed with Joan, Melissa, Jesse James and Herschel Walker.  I hope they make it into the final four.

I would love to have Joan Rivers on my side.  She would stop at nothing to protect her child or her friends.  Joan is a class act.  Melissa doesn't seem bratty to me, she just seems determined to get the task at hand completed.

What always seems to be a problem for both teams is time management.  In fact, the reason Athena lost the most recent task was time management.  I guess that confuses me a little because a lot of the tasks are similar to previous seasons.  Don't the current celebrity apprentice teams watch previous seasons?

I was so sorry to see Khloe Kardashian get fired but I am confident that Joan and Melissa will do well in upcoming tasks.

Go Joan!  And yes, I realize that a lot of this is for the cameras and to generate visitors to watch but I give the lady a lot of credit.

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