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Seal Spills Baby Beans To Oprah After Performance

Oprah was obviously thrilled to have singer Seal appear on her show on Friday, May 8, 2009.  She was caught on camera dancing with her Friday Live With Oprah panelist Ali Wentworth.

After Seal sang Oprah chatted with him and told the audience Seal's I Can't Stop The Rain is one of her favorite songs.  She pointed out the song is "cut number two from his album Soul, which is now available for sale."

(Image of Oprah Winfrey - HBM - All Rights Reserved).

Oprah asked Seal if he had just finished his most recent US tour.  The singer said yes, he just finished his US tour in Los Angeles (California) yesterday.  He said he had "the kids with me at sound check and they took over the stage.  And then papa went out and did his thing......."

Note: Seal and Heidi have two sons, Henry Günther, 3, and Johan Riley, 2, and Klum has a five-year old daughter, Leni, from a previous relationship.

Oprah repeated "papa went out and did his thing.  Papa did."  She said "I was asking you during commerical break, have you ever had one of those Seal moment where you're listening to your own music - because the thing was I was driving my Tyler Perry Car - you know - so I had the top down and I had the music turned up as loud as it would go, and that song, cut #2 came on and I just became, I became the music."

Seal smiled and said "oh you did?"  Oprah said "I did, you did such a great job on this CD."  Seal said "thank you".  Oprah continued "You did such a great job.  Has that ever happened to you?"

(Image of LR Heidi Klum and husband Seal - HBM - All Rights Reserved).

Seal said "the funny thing is that I grew up with a lot of these songs, as did a lot of us here and so they are pretty much in my DNA but talking about them and actually getting to the microphone and singing those songs are two different things because you start singing 'its a man's man's man's  world and there's only one person you think of when, and its not Seal.  And so you know a change is gonna come.  And it's synonymous with Sam Cook, so....."

Seal continued "there was a point where I felt I'd bitten off a bit more than I could chew however, having said that, one of my heroes is Otis Redding, I just loved his tone and I will never.... and you know working with the great David Foster who you all know really well.  When we got the first pass of my vocal on 'I've Been Loving You Too Long', that was the one song where I thought to myself, you know what, I'm my own biggest critic but if he was alive I would feel pretty proud about playing that tune."

Oprah "as you should."  Then she asked "wedding anniversary... this Sunday?"   Seal replied "yeah this Sunday (May 10th), well we usually..."

Oprah "what are you gonna do?"  Seal said "well, we're going to get married again.  This is going to be the fourth time - this is going to be our fourth anniversary and our fifth time (getting married).  And I'm not quite sure what the theme is but you know what my wife's (model Heidi Klum) like, she's always got some trick up her sleeve.  But its gonna be a good get together. You know, lots of friends."

(Image of LR Heidi Klum and husband Seal - HBM - All Rights Reserved).

Oprah "you just announced you were pregnant again."  Seal laughed and said "well not me personally."  Oprah replied "I say we because, you know...."

Seal "I'll tell you a funny story about that.  First of all we all know that my wife can't keep a secret, right?"  Oprah said "yeah".  Seal continued "we can't keep a secret and we decided to go traditional......

Oprah then had to cut Seal off to go to commerical.  When the program resumed Oprah asked Seal "can we tell them?"  He said "yes" and so Oprah said "they're having a girl".

I guess what Seal was trying to say was that he and his wife had planned to keep the sex of the baby secret in a traditional way but because she can't keep a secret, they are already telling everyone that they are having a girl.  Which Oprah announced to her audience.

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