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Lil' Kim And Derek Hough Get Their Own Broadway Show

Grammy award winner and multi-platinum selling performance artist Lil' Kim was sadly voted off ABC's Dancing With The Stars (DWTS) after lasting nine weeks and immediately appeared on ABC's Jimmy Kimmel Show, which is now a tradition.

Jimmy pointed out that Lil' Kim fell in love with Dancing With The Stars while she was in prison.

(Image LR - Derek Hough and his DWTS Partner - Lil' Kim on Jimmy Kimmel - - All Rights Reserved).

Lil' Kim, who was dressed in tight jeans and a vibrant fuchsia sleeveless top was actually carried onto Jimmy's stage by her DWTS partner, Derek Hough.

Kim was wearing her very long (waist length) raven black hair in loose curly ringlets and had a stunning vibrant yellow flower pinned to one side.  Kim also stopped to throw kisses to the audience.

A Lil' Kim Pizza?

Jimmy teased Lil' Kim and said "I thought I'd ordered a pizza, but instead they delivered a Lil' Kim here to the show."

Lil' Kim laughed and said "yeah".  Jimmy asked them "how are you, its good to see you".  Kim said "its good to see you."  Jimmy said "Derek how are you?"  Derek said "I'm good, I'm good, how are you Jimmy?"  Jimmy said "I'm doing well."

When Jimmy asked Lil' Kim and Derek "are you guys disappointed about what happened tonight?  Tell us what happened exactly" referring to being voted off the show.

(Image LR - Derek Hough and his DWTS Partner - Lil' Kim on Jimmy Kimmel - - All Rights Reserved).

Lil' Kim Loved Being On DWTS

Lil' Kim who is just as cute and charming as she can be said "man, I had the time of my life on that show.  That's like the best thing that's ever happened to me."  Jimmy said "Did you really? You loved it?"

Kim said "yeah, yes I did, yeah and I met a great friend (she rubbed Derek's shoulder) and said I love Derek."  Jimmy asked "you mean Derek?" Then she hugged Derek and her blonde dancing partner said "oohhh...I love you too. Thank you."  Derek did a little arm motion like flowing water.

Jimmy said "and so, it seems you guys are a little bit sad?  Right?"  Derek answered "well, no, I mean, it's always shocking and you're always upset when you get eliminated, but I mean I think she proved herself every single way how amazing she was.  She was great right?  Amazing." Kim laughed and said "I cried" referring to being voted off the DWTS show.

Jimmy "you got what we determined was a compliment from Len Goodman. He said you were delicious like spotted dick and custard."   The host asked Kim, who was laughing hysterically "did you understand what he was talking about?"  Kim said "noooooo. Len is hilarious. He's uh.. no I didn't."  Jimmy continued "yeah, yeah, he must not realize that here in the United States we don't eat things named dick."

Derek and Kim were both laughing wildly at the turn in the conversation about Len Goodman who gave Kim the odd compliment.  Jimmy thought it was quite funny as well.  Kim said "that is so funny."

Kim's Bionic Booty?

Jimmy said "and he's (Len) also, who was the one who said you had a bionic booty."  Kim shook her head up and down in agreement and said "Len that would be Len".  Derek agreed and said "Len's full up on this one."

Jimmy said "what does that mean?  Did you ask for clarification on that?"  Kim said "well I think it means I can do things with my booty like no one can do like the Bionic Woman." Derek "yeah baby."  Lil' Kim "So funny. I'll take it."

Jimmy asked Kim "what kind of things can it do?  Like could it, could it do laundry?"  Lil' Kim "you want me to show you?"  The audience cheered. Derek said "you put your foot in it girl."

Lil' Kim Popular With Barbara Walters & Regis Philbin?

Jimmy said "I have to say you're very popular with old white people, not only Len (Goodman).  Both Barbara Walters and Regis Philbin have been openly rooting for you on their shows."

Lil' Kim "Oh my goodness, I love Barbara, I actually was supposed to do an interview with her as soon as I came out of prison.  But at that time I think she was moving."

Jimmy said "she was in prison herself at that time."  Kim and Derek laughed.  He continued "Barbara did some time."  Kim laughed and said "oh that's why we have a lot in common...OK." Kim said "and Regis.  I performed on his show years ago and he's always been a sweetheart.  He said he's going to get a Lil' Kim tattoo."

Jimmy said "yeah, well and you said in this magazine article that you have a surprise thank you plan for Regis.  Can you give us a hint of what this surprise thank you is?" Kim said "but then he's gonna know."

Lil' Kim Shaking Her Bionic Booty For Regis

Jimmy continued "well can you give us a little hint?  Like is it a physical thing?  Is it a present?  Is it gonna kill him?" Kim laughed and said "I hope not.  Only if I shake the bionic booty too much."   The host said "be careful with that around him, he's 77 years old.  He's a national treasure.  You can not kill Regis."

Kim laughed and said "I love Regis.  And you know what I love about him?  He's so fun.  And you know what I really love what he says, when he talks, that I love comes off his lips really good?" Jimmy said "what?"  She laughed, smiled and leaned into Jimmy's desk and said "Lil' Kim".  She said she loves how Regis says her name Lil' Kim.  Kim repeated it to demonstrate how Regis might say it..... "Lil' Kim."

Kim said "he's so cute.  But it's gonna be a surprise.  I don't know, maybe I'll pop out of a cake."  Jimmy said "oh really?" Jimmy said "Derek do you have any surprises for Regis?"  Derek said "I'm OK, I'll leave them up to her" as he pointed to Lil' Kim.

Derek & Lil' Kim With Their Own Show On Broadway

Jimmy said "Derek I know you're in a band and had a gig tonight originally and you cancelled to be here, thank you so much."  Derek said "yeah, well I've gotta be here for my girl." again waving his hand towards Lil' Kim.  He continued "it's a tough night and I've gotta be here for her, soooo."

Jimmy said "will you guys be performing any music together?"  Derek said "um yeah, actually we're going to be performing on your show.  Outside."

The evening talk show host was surprised and said "the two of you?"  Derek said "yeah, we're waiting for the call."  as Lil' Kim laughed.  Jimmy said "no... I'm saying some sort of musical teaming, will there be, is that a possibility?"

Derek said "we actually did a performance at The Grill after one of the Tuesdays after the show and we did The Benjamins, we played and she came on. It was awesome, it was great".  Kim agreed "it was great" and kept shaking her head and saying "yeah."

Kim said very serious to Jimmy "they also called and want us to do our own Broadway show."  Jimmy said "who did?"  Derek leaned over Kim towards Jimmy and said "they did".  Jimmy said "you mean the two of you, they want you to do a Broadway show?'  Kim said "yeah, Broadway."  Jimmy said "yeah, that'll be good."

Punking Jimmy Kimmel

After getting Jimmy all worked up and looking dead serious Kim started to smile and said "I'm just kidding".  Jimmy said "it's not out of the question, certainly."  Kim said "I know.  It would be really really fun though cause Derek and I, when we're together its like the chemistry's so great and I think that you know, we're a television show. "  Kim looked at Derek and he laughed out loud.

Jimmy said "you've said on a number of occasions that you started watching Dancing With The Stars when you were in prison. Is that part of the sentence?   Or was that?"  Lil' Kim was laughing so much and said "that's so funny." Jimmy said "first of all I'm fascinated by this.  How does that work?  Does everyone gather in a room and watch it together?"

Kim said "well it works like this, we can all only watch like 10 channels.  We don't have a lot of selections to pick from.  But everyone."

No Pay Per View Channels In Prison

Jimmy interrupted her and said "somebody's got to do something about that."  Lil' Kim agreed "yeah they have to. They have to because we get really bored and don't get to see all the good stuff.  When the fights come on we can't watch, we can't see them."  Jimmy seemed shocked "there's no pay per view?"

Lil' Kim said "there's no pay per view."  Jimmy said "oh my god, what kind of country are we living in here?"  Kim said "we have to call home to tell them to put the TV to the phone so we can listen."  Jimmy said "really?"

Kim said "so we can hear what's going on. Yeah, and so we have to agree what show and what channels we watch and Dancing With The Stars was like the #1 Show at the time and so everyone agreed on it, to watch it.  Jimmy said "Wow and you watched it and you thought 'I'd like to be on that show?"

Kim said "yeah, but you know what, when it was a two hour show, we didn't get to see the whole show because lights was out at 8:30." Jimmy said "so they would actually take you up to the point before they announced who the eliminatee was and then they would turn the TV off?"


Kim said "yeah then they would go recallllllll."  Jimmy "really?"  Kim relied "and then we would all go to sleep with all the lights turned out." Derek looked at Kim and said "so that's all I had to say, right?"  Kim nodded and said "recallllll".

Jimmy "you know what?  You've got to write a letter to the governor or something like that, about that because that's outrageous."  Kim said "I'm gonna call."  Jimmy said "could you vote from there??  Kim said "heck noooooo."  Jimmy said "so your friends back in prison weren't able to vote for you."

If Prisoners Could Have Voted - Kim Might Have Won?

Kim said "well you know in some places, unfortunately I didn't get to go to a camp, I went to a regular prison, which is way worse than being at a camp and in the camps you have computers.  They wouldn't let us near a computer where I was at.  Yeah, so in the camps you can email and you can probably vote like that."

Jimmy said "so you probably would have won this whole thing if you would have gotten the prison community to do...if you could just change some of the rules.

Kim said "yeah, I pulled some strings in there you know, some of the CO and stuff."

Burning Kim's Dancing Shoes In The Trashcan Out Back Behind The Show

Jimmy then talked about the sad tradition at his show where those eliminated from Dancing With The Stars go through the ceremonial burning of the capezios with Guermo.  Jimmy then showed a trash can outside burning with flames and showed Lil's Kim's shoes being thrown in the burning trash can.

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