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Hugh Jackman's Son Has Wolverine Punching Bag He Beats On

Jimmy Kimmel recently had superstar Hugh Jackman on his late night talk show.  Apparently the funnyman has had him on his show before.  The two seemed to know each other well enough to laugh and talk as old friends.

The talk show host introduced Hugh by saying "he's a quadruple threat...he can sing, dance, act and turn people into human cole slaw."

Jimmy pointed out that Hugh's latest film 'X-Man Origins - Wolverine' is a huge hit and passed the $200 Million mark very quickly at the box office.

(Image of Actor Hugh Jackman with Jimmy Kimmel on Jimmy Kimmel Live - May 2009 - - All Rights Reserved)

The handsome actor arrived on stage looking incredibly hot wearing all black - jeans and top with his hair brushed up and off his face.  Hugh was well-tanned, looked incredibly fit and the audience, especially the women, went crazy.

He gave the audience a thumbs up for their welcome and had a huge smile on his face.

In fact, the audience screamed so long that Jimmy and Hugh seemed a little surprised and Jimmy said "WOW".  Hugh was obviously pleased, but maybe even a little embarrassed by all the applause.

It was very obvious Hugh was extemely popular with all of the audience members.  Jimmy said "they're really genuinely sexually excited right now" in response to the reaction the audience had to Hugh.

(Image of Actor Hugh Jackman on Jimmy Kimmel Live - May 2009 - - All Rights Reserved)

Hugh laughed and said to Jimmy "and that was before I came in."  Jimmy laughed.

Hugh continued pointing to Jimmy "that was for you."  Jimmy said "yeah, no, I think they smelled you in the background somewhere."  Hugh was obviously tickled by Jimmy's comments and was very polite.

Jimmy asked Hugh how he was doing.  The actor looked over at a table on his side at a glass of either water or gin, hard to tell what it was, and Hugh said "are you guys drinking this because I'm gonna....?  Is that what we're getting?"  Jimmy said "enjoy, the guests share it in general but you go ahead."

Hugh's Son Oscar

Hugh answered Jimmy's question of how he was and replied "mmmm....excellent and good to see you man."

The host said "as I recall, the last time you were here you were trying to get your son...." interested in basketball.

Jimmy asked how old Hugh's son (Oscar) is now and Hugh said "he's nine now." Jimmy pointed out that the last time Hugh was on the show he was trying to get his son interested in basketball.

(Image of Hugh Jackman from Wolverine Clip played on Jimmy Kimmel show - - All Rights Reserved - 2009).

Hugh laughed and said "yeahhh"  and Jimmy said "and not having a good time with it"  and the Aussie said "noooo".

The actor said "but actually being on your show did prompt me to try again.  You know, as I was telling the story I thought maybe he was a little young so I thought I would take him to a game."  Jimmy said "yes!".

Hugh continued "and very kindly Madison Square Garden gave us some tickets, court side and I took him to see a game the Knicks versus The Nuggets and he was there and he was sorta into it when we began.  And he goes 'dad, who's everyone going for' and Hugh said "well, we're in New York at Madison Square Garden so everyone traditionally will go for New York here and he goes 'great'."

Hugh continued and explained that his son then said 'go Nuggets, go the Nuggets' and he's like, where are the Nuggets from Dad?' so I said Denver."

The actor continued telling Jimmy his son was yelling 'go Denver'.   Hugh said "it was all about our country."  Jimmy said "it might be like my son actually".  Hugh said "everything is our country (Australia)."

Jimmy showed a photo of Hugh and his son at a basketball game and father and son were wearing matching green shirts.

Jimmy said "but look what happened, at the first game you can see your son there sleeping on your lap."

The audience said ooohhhhhhh because Hugh's son looked so cute and adorable.

Then Jimmy showed Hugh and his son at the most recent basketball game.  Hugh was wearing a sexy fedora hat and his son had his arms up in the air apparently screaming "go Nuggets."

(Image of Hugh Jackman from Wolverine Clip played on Jimmy Kimmel show - - All Rights Reserved - 2009).

Hugh laughed, pointed and said "they (the Nuggets) scored and won the game actually."  Jimmy was laughing hysterically.  Hugh pointed to a hat next to his son and said pointing "you gotta check this out, see this hat here (next to his son) it's a Knick's hat."

Hugh said "now we were given a whole lot of Swag by the Knicks but to kinda shut him up because we were there as guests of Madison Square Garden and in the Knicks courtside seats and he's going "Go Nuggets" the whole time and the camera kept coming to me.  It was all bad.  So he had that hat in his hand because every time the Knicks scored he's like 'noooooo I hate the Knicks'".

And actually Smith, you know the guy who plays for The Nuggets who's great came over at the end and took his shirt off, his sweaty shirt and gave it to Oscar (his son).  That's how big a fan (his son) was (of The Nuggets)."  Jimmy said "wow".  Hugh said "this shirt, it came down to his ankles, like a dress.  He wore that home, I mean it was the middle of Winter, and he wore that home and we were going through the streets (of New York) and that's when I thought we were going to get beaten up."

Jimmy said "you're lucky nobody cares about The Knicks anymore."  Hugh said "yeah, exactly, but he loves basketball, but it's been really expensive because we fly to Denver every other week."

Jimmy laughed and said "yeah.  Does he do that with everything?  Like do you have other sports teams that you root for that he roots against?"

(Image of Actor Hugh Jackman with Jimmy Kimmel on Jimmy Kimmel Live - May 2009 - - All Rights Reserved)

Hugh said "yes, pretty much every team I go for, he'll go against."  Jimmy "really, well that's gotta drive you crazy."

Hugh said "well actually there's been occasions where I thought, 'you know what, I want to (root) be on the same team on a sport I don't really know much about and I'll say 'who do you like Oscar?' and he'd say, for example "oh I like the Dophins".

Hugh told Jimmy so he'll say "and I'll go oh yeah I've always loved the Dophins so Oscar will go 'oh well, I don't know, I really like The Giants'  I like The Giants'.  Oscar will say he likes whoever is opposite.

Jimmy said "oh so it's you that he doesn't like.  I see." Hugh said "exactly".  Jimmy said "he likes getting a rise out of you I guess."  Hugh said "non-stop.  Ok, this is a bit of a rant, I'm not looking for a seque into the movie but one of the great things about doing Wolverine is that"  Jimmy interrupted and said "he was rooting for Magneto? (Hugh's arch enemy in Wolverine)."

Hugh laughed and said "yes, the Brotherhood.  They (the producers of Wolverine) gave me a blow up punching bag of Wolverine.  Right?  Which actually had my face on it.  And I thought, this is perfect, I blew it up and put it in his room. And every time I send him to his room I hear him, as he's punching saying 'I hate you' punching".

Jimmy laughed and said "wowwww."  Hugh said "it's saving me thousands in therapy."  Jimmy agreed and said "probably.  Merchandising, who knew that was the secret?"  Hugh said "exactly."

The host said "wow, does he get excited that you're Wolverine?  Because my dad actually looks just like Wolf Blitzer, but nothing like Wolverine. It's not as exciting for him, a young man?"

(Image of Actor Hugh Jackman on Jimmy Kimmel Live - May 2009 - - All Rights Reserved)

Hugh "he doesn't talk to me much about it."  Jimmy said "really?"  Hugh replied "no.  I've caught him a few times talking about it to chicks.  Hot chicks.  Hugh said he's heart Oscar say 'you know my dad's Wolverine.'

Hugh continued "I've caught him and he shrugs and says 'sign a couple of autographs will you dad'. He asks Hugh to sign a couple of autographs. But "other than that (the autographs for cute chicks) he doesn't talk about it much."

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