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Skin Treated With Relastin Has More Elastic Tissue & Is Firmer

Zinc is more than just atomic number 30 on the periodic table. An essential element for health and beauty, zinc promotes a healthy immune system, speeds the healing of wounds, promotes collagen formation, and prevents acne, along with dozens of other functions.

However, the human body does not have the capacity to produce zinc on its own.

(Image of relastin courtesy of Twitter - All Rights Reserved).

When our body and skin does not get enough zinc, fingernails become thin, develop white spots and begin to peel.

Other signs of Zinc deficiency include acne, loss of hair, skin lesion and slow healing of wounds.

Here are three easy ways to make sure your body is getting enough zinc:


FOODS: In order to have a constant supply of zinc in our body, we need to consume the following foods regularly: yeast, egg yokes, fish legumes, liver, red meat, mushrooms, oysters, poultry, pumpkin seeds, sardines, seafoods, soy beans, etc.

SUPPLEMENTS: Only about 30 to 40% of the zinc you intake from food actually gets absorbed by your body. Zinc supplements can help ensure you are getting enough zinc internally. They treat acne by reducing blemishes and inflammation. Oral zinc supplements also help heal bed sores, skin ulcers, cold sores, canker sores, surgical incisions, burns, and a variety of other skin irritations.


TOPICAL CREAMS: Zinc is essential for collagen and elastic tissue production. As we get older, our skin produces less collagen and elastic tissue, resulting in thinner skin, loss of firmness and elasticity, and wrinkles.

Twitter, Eye Silk, and Ultra Emollient all contain a patent-pending Zinc Firming ComplexTM. Studies have shown that skin that has been treated with Relastin has more elastic tissue and is firmer than untreated skin.

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