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Oprah & Dr. Oz Encourage People To Listen To Their Own Bodies

Although I am still a workaholic who logs seven days a week on, I am happy to report that I have slowed down a bit over the past six months to take better care of me.

Instead of my previous 25/7 work schedule, I now only spend a maximum of five days a week at the HairBoutique office and have taken to working at home on the weekends.  OK, OK, sometimes I have to go in for a few hours on a Saturday but for the most part I work at home on weekends whenever possible.

(Image of Oprah Winfrey - - All Rights Reserved).

It is amazing how much stress I have managed to shed by working at home.  While I still Tweet and Blog nonstop, I am also able to catch up on all the TV programs I have taped on the TIVO throughout the prior week.  I am just now catching up with prior tapes of Oprah, Ellen and Bonnie Hunt.

I have to say that the more I watch Oprah, the more her shows blow me away.  I have never had the great fortune to meet Oprah and have no idea what she is like in private.  It doesn't matter.  The lady does so much good for the people of the world that it wouldn't matter if she had extra heads she popped on in private.

At this point, I am so impressed with this great lady that she has surpassed Ellen in my favor for talk show queen.

Not only does Oprah bring in experts to help America learn to deal with their crushing credit card and related debts but she shows them how to share with others who are less fortunate.

Because of Oprah I am now making it a point to take time out of my crazy schedule to stop and feed the hungry ducks and birds, donating my leftover food and sundries to the hungry.  As a result of the Big O I am giving more to charity than I have ever done before.

It's not that I wasn't a charitable person before Oprah, it's just that watching her programs has made me think of ways I could be a much better person and do a much better job of showing my gratitude on a daily basis.

I am also learning to stop and pay close attention to my body - thanks to Dr. Oz.  This is so incredibly important.  It can mean the difference between life and death.   Everyone needs to learn to communicate with their own bodies to know when something is not right.

I was thinking about this when I read about high school senior Jessica Terry who correctly diagnosed herself as having Crohn's disease when her doctors were not able to tell her what her physical symptoms indicated.  I wonder if Jessica was inspired to find her own answers from watching Oprah?

Maybe not but what a great example of taking responsibility for your own body and pushing to get the answers you need to find the proper path towards healing.

Crohn's disease is an incurable, though treatable condition caused by inflammation in the intestines. It can cause malnutrition, ulcers, pain and discomfort.  Jessica Terry did not give up until she found the answers her body needed.  Bravo to Jessica.

So Oprah, maybe your team should call Jessica and have her on the show because she is such a great example of putting into practice what you and Dr. Oz teach.

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