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Stem Cell Treatment Helps Children With Hair Loss - Alopecia Areata

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Stem Cell Treatment Helps Children With Hair Loss - Alopecia Areata

In a report written by Jamie Stows on Wednesday, July 1th, 2009 on UK Medix News there's strong indications that stem cell treatments help children suffering from certain forms of hair loss.

According to Stows, experiments done with children suffering from the hair loss condition alopecia areata have produced promising results which could lead to further research and treatments.

The study which was done by Professor Marwa Fawzi at the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Cairo involved the use of stem cells being extracted from their own scalps and then re-injected in areas on their head where the hair loss was evident.

The study which was done on a small group of eight children all of whom had significant alopecia resulted in them growing back around half of the hair that they had lost.

By using small amounts of the skin from the children's scalps and then isolating the hair follicle stem cells which are responsible for hair production, Professor Fawzi was able to grow more of them in her laboratory and therefore increase the number of these all important stem cells.

Alopecia Areata is especially distressing when it attacks young children.

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