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Hanging Around The Big Brother House Waiting, Waiting, Waiting

When I caught up with the RealTime Cams on the Big Brother House at approximately 2:28 pm CST on August 7, 2009 I caught up with Michelle and Chima in the kitchen eating and hanging out.

Immediately before that point Jessie and Natalie were in the kitchen and then Russell came into the kitchen.  Jessie and Russ wandered out of the kitchen and then it was down to Chima and Michelle.

It seems the remaining House Guests were all hanging around waiting for a food competition of some sort to begin courtesy of Big Brother.

They were also trying to figure out who would be a Have and who would be a Have Not for the upcoming week.

When you're a Have Not you have to sleep on a slab instead of a bed and you have to eat "slop".  Definitely not a great experience.  Many of the House Guests who have been Have Nots have actually lost weight during their time as a Have Not.

Losing Weight Seems To Be Key Concern

Losing weight seems to be a theme on the show.  When Ronnie was evicted he thanked Jessie for helping him lose 20 pounds.  Jessie on the other hand worries about losing weight as a professional body builder.  Not a good thing in his case.

Chima is also worried about losing too much weight. She told Michelle in one of Live Feed she had "stepped on the scale" this morning and her weight was "99 pounds".  Chima seemed amazed because she told Michelle she had weighed "100 pounds" the day before.  Michelle reminded Chima that weight will "fluctuate on a daily basis" and not too worry about it.

Chima said "I don't want to lose any more weight".  Michelle agree that it would be bad for Chima to lose any more weight.

At one point Jeff was in the kitchen talking about how he is still recovering from getting hit in the ribs by the gigantic diploma on the previous Head Of Household competition when they were being swung around on a huge metal cyclinder and hit with a rolled up diploma.

Jeff also said that he would be upset if he was a Have Not and couldn't eat his favorite stir fry.  Although he said he couldn't cook like Michelle could he did really love his stir fry and had eaten all sorts from chicken and beef to other combinations.  He even mentioned he had defrosted some fish to eat.

There was also some talk about what happens if you're a Have Not and whether you get in trouble to putting a peanut into your mouth but immediately spitting it out.  Chima commented that it was probably not going to be a problem if you immediately spit the peanut right out after putting it in your mouth.

Meanwhile everyone in the house is waiting, waiting, waiting for the next Power Of Veto and Have/Have Not competition to happen.

I can not personally imagine being on camera 24/7 and having my entire schedule controlled by Big Brother.  Stay tuned as I continue to blog about the Live Feds, the shows and the various House Guests on Big Brother 11.  In the meantime, please share your thoughts with me on Big Brother.

Who is your favorite House Guest?  Who do you think Chima as the new Head Of Household will put up for eviction this week?  Will it be Lydia and Russell as expected?  If Russell is put up will Jeff use his secret Coup d'Etat power to save Russell from eviction?

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