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Jane Kaczmarek Confesses To Wearing Spanx, Breast Padding, Hair Ratting And HairSpray

Actress Jane Kaczmarek starred for seven years on the Emmy®-winning TV series Malcolm in the Middle. She was nominated for seven consecutive Emmys®, as well as numerous Golden Globe® and Screen Actors Guild Awards®.

She won the American Comedy Award and the Television Critics Award for two consecutive years; Kaczmarek was the first woman to ever receive such an honor.

(Image of Jane Kaczmarek - TNT - Turner - Raising The Bar - Photo by Art Streiber - All Rights Reserved)

Jane recently appeared as a guest on The Bonnie Hunt Show.  Apparently Jane and Bonnie go way back and it showed in their interaction.  Bonnie said "Hellloo Jane my buddy, it's so good to see you."  Jane told Bonnie's audience "we're both from The Midwest."

Then Jane asked the audience 'who's from the Midwest?' and then she smile and said "you know how special that bond is."

Bonnie told Jane "the last time you were on the show we were bombarded.  The response was huge.  They lovveeee you."

Jane humbly said "oh my goodness.  Then she said "I think they might like us together."  Bonnie said "Well, you know what it is?  I really think that sincerity is so refreshing.  And when they say you there were like 'oh authenticity.  Wow, she's really there.  A person."

(Jane Kaczmarek on TNT's Raising The Bar - Image by Karen Neal - All Rights Reserved)

Jane Confessed To Spanx, Breast Padding, Hair Ratting, Hairspray

Jane "Wow, well thank you.  Well I am a real person.  I do have on some Spanx, and a little padding (on her bosoms) and I ratted my hair and a little hairspray and other than that."  Bonnie "But other than that everything's natural."

Going Home For The Holidays

Jane laughed and Bonnie asked "were you home" for Christmas?  Jane "Oh sure. Cold enough for you?"  Bonnie "oh sure, it was freezing."  Jane agreed "Freezing, went back home to Milwaukee with the three kids."  Bonnie "Oh great, do they love the snow and everything?"  Jane "They, walking out of grandma and grandpa's house, that back door and it's just snow.  It's 15 degrees below with the wind chill, but you know, that's warm."

Bonnie showed a photo of Jane and her three kids with a snowman they built.  Bonnie said "oh they built a snowman, that's fantastic."  Jane said "that's in my parent's backyard in Greendale, Wisconsin."

Jane went on to point out the four children who were in the photo which included her daughters Mary Louisa and Frances, niece Elsca and her son George.

(Image of Jane Kaczmarek - Photo by Eric McCandless - All Rights Reserved)

Bonnie asked if Jane's kids liked getting their winter clothes ready to go.  Jane pointed out "you know, that's what's so surprising, putting that gear on and taking that gear off.  Living here in California, you know, you forget about Winter clothes.  But the big thing about my parent's house that they love more than anything is, my parents have wall to wall white carpeting.  Nobody has white carpeting anymore."

Wall To Wall White Carpeting

A photo was shown of the house with the family and the carpeting was indeed white.  Bonnie said "is that the carpeting?  It's so light.  Oh my god Jane.  Is that recent?"

Jane "That is. This is my mother's living room in Greendale, Wisconsin."  Bonnie "Now?"  Jane "That carpeting went down in 1968 and there's not a stain anywhere on that carpet."  Bonnie pointed out "We grew up in the same house except we had gold shag.  And the rake.  We had the rake (for the shag carpeting)."

Jane "But this white wall to wall carpeting.  And I think children now, we have hardwood floors and area rugs and you interesting kinds of things that you think children are going to be stimulated by?  Forget it.  The white wall to wall carpeting.  They glom on.  They roll.  It's like.  It's just, it's carpeting."  Bonnie "that's fabulous."

Jane "and it's so fruggin cold that it's just cozy.  They kind of slither from room to room and just.  They all knit.  My daughters and neices knit."

(Image of Cast of Raising The Bar - Jane Kaczmarek in center - TNT - All Rights Reserved)

Bonnie "I always knitted."  Jane "They play pick up sticks.  And my father was teaching my seven year old how to play blackjack.  Soooo."  Bonnie "Grandpa, leaving a legacy, I love it."

Having Three Babies In Forties

Bonnie "So, you had your kids, do you mind me saying?  Not when you were twenty."  Jane "Noo, noo, noo."  Bonnie "You had three kids."  Jane "In my forties."   Bonnie "OK, you say it, yeah."  Jane "Oh yeah, yeah, yeah."

Bonnie "But that's pretty....  That's an amazing accomplishment at any age.  But that's something."  Jane "Well, I had wonderful technological help from all sorts of miraculous..."  Bonnie "I know but you're so lucky Jane."  The actress finished her thoughts "interventions now.   Bonnie "so lucky  Jane "So I had my first at 41 and my last a month before I was 47."

Loved Nursing Babies

But the trick was about that was that I went from being 50 pounds with my pregnancy and nursing.  Just loved nursing, nursing, nursing.  And then I had my little Mary Louisa and then I went right into menopause.  Which was, I went from being, you know, a mother, a nursing mother into... I had both of my hips replaced.  I did,  I did."

(Image of Cast of Raising The Bar - Jane Kaczmarek in center - TNT - All Rights Reserved)

Bonnie cracked up laughing along with Jane.  Bonnie said "That picture at your mom's house.  Gosh that brings back memories."

Bonnie asked Jane "did he get a new toy?"  Jane said "Oh my George (her son), yes."  Bonnie said "didn't he get a Discman?"  Jane "I feel, personally, being raised in the Midwest, I think as a mother you have a great responsibility to deprive your children as much as you can possible deprive them of.  There's absolutely too much available now."

Bonnie agreed "no, you have no goals.  My goal in life was to have my own room."

Giving Your Kids Goals

Jane "How many Barbies (dolls) did you have?"  Bonnie "I never had my own, I had to share with my sisters."  Jane "Oh, I love you even more.  Did you really?"  Bonnie "Yes, and my brother cut off all their hair."

Jane "I had a Barbie.  I had one Barbie. And clothes.  And my mother would make them and we would make them.  Nowadays kids have something like 37 Barbies."  Bonnie "Yeah, they have a collection."

Jane agreed, yes "a collection.  So I feel depriving my children is part of my responsibility.  They take piano lessons and they take all those kinds of things.  But George really wanted an iPod."  Bonnie laughing "you almost said Walkman."

Jane "I don't even know what they are."

(Image of Jane Kaczmarek - TNT - All Rights Reserved)

Jane Says No To Cell Phones For Her Kids

Bonnie "OK"  Jane "He wanted an iPod.  And every kid in his school has an iPod.  They've got cell phones.  No, no, noooo.  No cell phones, no cell phones.  But he wanted an iPod.  And I thought, we can easily afford an iPod.  They're ninety dollars.  But I just thought I wanted him to have something to look forward to.  So I gave him my Discman.   You know, which plays (and she demonstrated), and you know, has headphones.  It's like he's landing helicopters.  You know, with these headphones."

Bonnie "What does he think of it?"  Jane "no, last year I gave this to him because he wanted an iPod and I thought you know, you have to have something to look forward to.  So he would walk around the house with his Discman and he would be dancing.  And you know what?  He was nine and he thought he was cool.  And then one day he wanted to know if he could buy something and we gave him part of his allowance and took him to the music store and let him look through the stacks."

Jane thought for a minute and said "They don't have stacks anymore, in libraries.  And he bought himself one disc to go into the Discman.   So this year we bought him an iPod."

Bonnie "That is excellent.

Jane "So any of you.  Just say nooooo.  Say use your own money, say walks."  Bonnie "if they want to live in a fancy house with wall to wall white carpeting some day they have to learn to earn it."

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