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Hair Accessories: Headbands Never Really Go Out Of Style

I literally subscribe to so many magazines on a monthly basis that if I don't stop and speed read through a stack every week, by the end of each month there is a 4 foot stack next to my desk.

(Image of popular Camila - - All Rights Reserved)

Anyone who spends any time with me will tell you my home, my car and my various offices contain an overflowing world of magazines, newspapers, newsletters and similar.

From Vogue To Playboy With Hair And Beauty

What do I read?  Everything from Vogue to Men's Health in every imaginable genre.  I read about hair and beauty, but I also read about business, heath and cooking.  Some things I read for fun and other things I scan to try and stay current on the latest hair, beauty, fashion and health trends.  Every business person needs to do their homework and I certainly try.

Famous Curl Expert Deems Headbands Out For 2010?

Yesterday I was speed reading headlines in a famous teen magazine which had a section on hair, beauty and fashion Ins/Outs for 2010.  A famous naturally curly expert was quoted as saying headbands were out and hair clips shaped like brooches were in.  Hmmmmm

Since I know and admire the curly hair expert in person, they will remain nameless.  However, I caught myself shaking my head no, no, no.

Headbands Morph But Never Die

If I have learned anything in the past 15 years of hair accessory obsession and study it's that headbands, like some other hair accessories (pony elastics, barrettes, hair clips, Camila) never, ever go out of style.

(Image of classic Charles Wahba - Courtesy of - All Rights Reserved)

Yes, they might morph through a range of colors, widths, materials and styles but the basic accessory never goes out of style. Is The Home Depot Of Headbands is the Home Depot of headbands and hair accessories.  We literally have thousands of square feet dedicated to headbands from over 65 designers including classic hair accessories lines from Goody, Karina, Smoothies, Camila, Charles Wahba, Conair, Elle Girl, Laurent Olivier, France Luxe to our own Lucy, Karen Marie and HB Hair Jewels.

We also have all the top end designers like Susan Daniels, Linda Levinson, Cara, Ficcare, Jennifer Behr and Rachel Weissman, to name just a few.

If any of the team members were tested you would be amazed at one they know about headbands.  Including all of our guys.

We know headbands and trust me, they are not going out of style anytime soon.

Flip Flops Are Eternal

It would be like saying flip flops go out of style.  A person who enjoys wearing flip flops will usually stick with them for years.  I happen to be a flip flop fan.  Yes, I change up the colors I buy and accessorize with different toe nail polish (right now I'm rocking an OPI vibrant blue) but flip flops work for me and are huge in Dallas so I have been buying new ones every Spring for the past 20 years.

I've also been buying headbands since I was 8 years old.  Why?  Because they work for my hair and I enjoy using them to control my fringe, my natural waves and curls and because they instantly dress up or down my fashions.

Headbands - From Skinny To Fat And Back

Of course headbands change.  Just as flip flops do.  They transition from skinny to fat and back.  They're amped up with big bows or little bows.  They're embellished with feathers, sequins, lace, flowers, leather, chains, studs and anything that will stick to the band.

Headbands - A True Personal Style Statement

Ultimately they are a personal style statement.  Yes, hair clips shaped like brooches are also a statement.  Linda Levinson is a classic designer for the brooches as a gorgeous hair clip arena.  Linda has been creating eye popping clips for many years.  Her fans buy them all the time, regardless of what some hair expert might say about what's in or out.

Of course not everyone wears headbands, but many people do.  I personally love their flexibility.  I also love classic jaws, claws and a range of amped up salon clips.  Why?  My hair extends 6 inches below my waist and they help to hold my latest cinnabuns, chignons, infinity and related twists and buns securely to my head.

Over the years I have learned that like a great strand of pearls both women and men (yes men also like headbands) find a headband style that is classic and stick with it because it works and when done right can rock any outfit.

Classic headbands are a mainstay for me and for  Which is why I travel on an annual basis to find the highest quality of classic hair accessories manufactured around the globe.

Are headbands out of style for 2010?  No, no, no.  Will they be out of style next year?  Again, a big no.

Yes, headbands with huge oversized bows are gone but headbands with 2010 fashion appropriateness are still popular.

My point?  If you love headbands for your hairstyling pleasure or because it's part of your fashion statement, don't worry.  Headbands will never go out of style.

Me?  I plan to be buried in one of my favorite headband styles.  One that works with my flip flops, of course.

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