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Jonathan Rhys-Meyers Shares Dating And Love Life Philosophies

Jonathan Rhys-Meyers was recently a guest on Bonnie Hunt's talk show.  He looked very GQ with a crisp white shirt with rolled up sleeves, black satin vest and fitted black pants.  His hair was cut very short in a buzzed look.  Yes, he looked handsome which Bonnie made note of.

(Jonathan Rhys-Meyers as King Henry on The Tudors - Courtesy of Showtime - All Rights Reserved)

She said "you look cute."  He smiled and replied in his sexy accent "thank you very much, you look cute yourself."

Bonnie said "you like maybe you're auditioning for Guys and Dolls."  Jonathan paused and said "or a waiter."  Bonnie laughed "that's another option."

Bonnie asked about the fact Jonathan grew up in Ireland.  He said "I did, yeah.  I grew up on a farm in North County Cork (near where my own grandparents were born)."  He told Bonnie "it's beautiful."

Bonnie told him he's been on quite a journey.  He agreed "I've been on quite a journey."

Family Of Professional Musicians

Ironically, Jonathan explained he was from a family of musicians "my three brothers, my two sisters are all musicians. Yeah."  He said while growing up with music was great "every time we get together they play music and I'm on the outside of it.  I'm an actor.  I don't qualify."

Bonnie asked if he joined in with the music?

(Jonathan Rhys-Meyers as King Henry on The Tudors - Courtesy of Showtime - All Rights Reserved)

He explained "Oh no, I play music, I'm just not allowed to play with them."

Bonnie laughed and ask if they didn't think he was good enough?  Jonathan shook his head and smiled and said "I'm not good enough."  He told Bonnie "and then they tell me, you know, I start to play with them, and then I play a few chords and they go 'tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, stk. Not so much. Go act' and he pointed his finger to show their response."

Bonnie inquired when he was a kid if he always wanted to be an actor?  Or did he want to join them (his brothers and sisters) and be a musician when he was growing up. Bonnie asked Jonathan "what was your first passion?"

Jonathan said "Ohhh, I don't know.  I think I wanted, I just wanted to be whatever was on TV at the time.  You know, like a normal 6 or 7 year old kid sees something on TV.  Of course a soccer player.  Because soccer was a big sport. So  I wanted to be a sports star."

Falling Into Acting At A Pool Hall

Acting?  He said "acting, I fell into it you know.  I was discovered.  I was sixteen.  I used to play a lot of pool at a pool hall.  This lady came into the pool hall.  She was auditioning actors for a film that Warner Brothers was making in County Cork at that time.  Produced by David Putin.  And so I was in the pool hall at the time and she said 'look would you do this little audition for tape for me, on a video camera.  I did.  I had nothing else going for me at the time.  And three hours later I was sitting with the Director.  You know, doing screen tests."

(Jonathan Rhys-Meyers as King Henry on The Tudors - Courtesy of Showtime - All Rights Reserved)

His first discovery did not have a happy ending though.  He told Bonnie "I didn't get the role."

Bonnie said "but that was probably a good thing.  Right?  Jonathan "No it wasn't. I thought, wait a minute."

Bonnie told Jonathan it probably helped him to learn about the rejection involved with acting.

Dealing With Rejection As Actor

Jonathan didn't agree. He said "yeah, but it would have been nice to get the first role and get the rejection a little later.  Actually, you know what, it got me over the hump of getting rejected, rejection.  And of course like any actor out there...and I'll tell any young actor who's going to be an actor, or an actress is that 'there will be a lot of rejection.'  But it's you and it's not you.  It's just at that time the director sees something that they need.  And it isn't always you.  Well, you can't be everything to everybody."

(Jonathan Rhys-Meyers as King Henry on The Tudors - Courtesy of Showtime - All Rights Reserved)

He continued "so if you're really beneficial for a part or beneficial for a TV series or a film in one way.  You may not be for the other.  That's doesn't necessarily mean you're not as talented.  Or not as good."

Bonnie pointed out he has a good perspective (on acting).  Jonathan agreed "yeah, yeah.  I try my best.  I mean look. On any given day I can be very positive about it (acting) or a little bit more negative about it, but you know, I try to stay positive as much as possible."

Jonathan agreed with Bonnie that he's a "yes and no" kinda guy.

Jonathan Was A Troublesome Student

Bonnie asked Jonathan if he was a good student.  He gave an unequivocal "no" answer.  He said "there's no yes and no to that one.  That's just a no."

He said "it wasn't that I was a particularly bad student.  I was just particularly troublesome.  I always had a lot of energy as a kid.  I always wanted to move about.  I was very sort of erratic."

(Jonathan Rhys-Meyers as King Henry on The Tudors - Courtesy of Showtime - All Rights Reserved)

The Princess And The Bully

Bonnie asked if he was a heart breaker like his role on Showtime's "The Tudors" as King Henry VIII.

He said "oh god no. no, no.  I was a kid that never got along with girls.  I remember this one girl was seven years old.  She was the most beautiful thing in the world.  She lived at the end of our street."

He continued "you always fall in love with the girl at the end of the street.  Alright.  This girl was magnificent.  She was Cinderella.  She was everything that I wanted her to be.  And seven or eight years old.  And then she started dating one of the local kids.  Who used to bully on me.  It was a nightmare.  Could you imagine the bully is dating your princess?"

Bonnie agreed that was not good but such is life.  Jonathan  "it was a nightmare, a nightmare.  So motivation for me as a kid was to stay away from girls unless you were really sure she wanted to go out wit you.  I never met that girl.  I met her once when I was eighteen and I thought she was just as beautiful.  But now she's married with children."

(Jonathan Rhys-Meyers as King Henry on The Tudors - Courtesy of Showtime - All Rights Reserved)

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