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Jake Pavelka And Vienna Giradi - What Took Them So Long?

I've been watching The Bachelor since Season One when I initially bought into the romance and drama.  I continued to believe when Trista and Ryan made their ultimate love match.

Shortly after that I realized as Dallasite Reality Steve preaches that the Bachelor and Bachelorette shows are completely and totally fake.  And he's 100% correct.

(Image of Jake Pavelka and his choice Vienna Giradi - - All Rights Reserved)

Note: Check out Who Is Reality Steve.

I used to blog about the various Bachelor and Bachelorettes but honestly it got just too depressing.  Besides that, Reality Steve does a fabulous job.  Not only does he come up with the ultimate spoilers (and he's never wrong) he has such a great perspective on the shows.

I had the change to chat with Steve on the phone a few seasons ago and he is as hilarious on the phone as he is in his column.  Unfortunately I haven't been able to hook up with Steve recently (although I would love to get some of his always fascinating reactions to some interesting Bachelor questions).

One thing I remember about my chat with Steve was his comment about how crazy it is to expect a couple to fall madly in love in such a short period of time.  Especially with the full glare of the cameras following the couple around.

Steve made a good point.  He suggested that the final couple should just agree to date and get to really know each other rather than get engaged.

(Image of Jake Pavelka and Ali Fedotowsky (current Bachelorette) - - All Rights Reserved

He couldn't be more right.

So it was no surprise that one of the most fake engaged couples of recent Bachelor history - Jake and Vienna - had a dramatic breakup.  Rumors have Vienna cheating on Jake but who knows if that's real or made-up hooey.  Also, Vienna was supposedly jealous of Jake's growing fame.  Huh?  What growing fame?  Jake has just about run out of his 5 minutes of fame and many people are tired of him and want him to fade into oblivion with the other Bachelors.

My thoughts when I heard that Jake and ex-Vienna got into a heated verbal battle was, who cares and so what?  I never thought they would last this long.  The only reason they probably made it this far was because Jake was on Dancing With The Stars and a big break-up then would have been distracting to the popular show.

If you love the drama and romance of The Bachelor and Bachelorette you should enjoy it for what it is.  Fantasy that has no basis in reality.  The Bachelor and Bachelorette teases about Happily Ever After but just ask Reality Steve about that.  Yeah, I'm with Steve.

(Image of Bachelorette Jillian with her Bachelors - - All Rights Reserved)

The reality of a couple meeting and falling in love with cameras on all the time in just a few weeks is total folly.

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