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Hair Oils And Oil Absorption

Any oil, whether applied to the hair, scalp or skin is a substance that is liquid at ambient temperatures and is hydrophobic but soluble in organic solvents.

Oils have a high carbon and hydrogen content and are non polar substances.

The general definition of oils includes compound classes with, and uses, including vegetable oils, petrochemical oils, and volatile essential oils. All oils can be traced back to organic sources.

(Image of hair oils - Courtesy of Haap Media, Inc., - All Rights Reserved)

The major components of most oils are a mixture of mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Magic Oils For Hair, Scalp And Skin

Although the magic oils for the hair and skin are commonly considered to be jojoba, coconut oil and olive, there are other oils which have become popular for beauty treatments.  Some of the oils which have come into prominence over the past few years include almond, sesame, carrot, peanut oil, argan, palm, meadow foam and wheatgerm to name just a few.

One issue with utilizing oils for hair or the skin is that the oil molecules are too large to pass through the skin, the scalp or the hair's cuticles.  When you apply oil to the face or the skin and it can't be absorbed, the oil will sit on top of the skin, scalp or strands and coat them instead.

Best Oils For Hair?

The oils which seem to work best for hair and skin is olive and coconut oil.  Why?  They are the best oils with the smallest molecule footprints to best penetrate the hair shaft.  Although avocado also can penetrate the skin, scalp and face it is not as effective as olive and coconut oil.

(Image of Hairtopia Beautiful Hair Oil - - All Rights Reserved)

Jojoba oil does not penetrate the skin, scalp or hair shaft but it is an excellent sealant and softens skin.  Jojoba is a light enough oil that it can be used to temporarily seal split ends.   Grape seed and almond oils also do not tend to penetrate and work best to provide a good seal and shine.

It's important to note that the major components of most oils are a mixture of mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Trial And Error When Working With Hair Oils

Depending on a wide range of factors including hair type, texture, length and condition, some oils will work better for your hair and skin than others.  While some hair oil fans can successfully apply oils as a pre-poo, deep conditioning agent or leave-in sealant, others wind up with oil slicks or greasy roots and strands.

(Image of Braid And Dread Oil which is used to moisturize and seal braids and dreads - - All Rights Reserved)

When working with hair oils its important to do your research, understand the needs and longtime goals for your hair and proceed slowly.  If possible buy oils you plan to apply to your hair in the smallest possible quantities so that if the oil isn't a good match for your tresses you haven't invested a lot of funds.

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