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Naturally Curly Girl Halle Berry On Ellen

I love catching Halle Berry on talk shows.  She seems to show a down to earth side which many celebrities don't seem to be able to do.  I also like to see how she will be wearing her naturally curly hair, which she changes up all the time.

A short pixie coiffed Halle was hilarious on a recent Ellen when she made a point of showing Ellen her underarm pit stains which she said happened because she became nervous by Indian acrobats performing right before she appeared on stage.

Visit Halle Berry's Celebrity Hairstyle Gallery

For more info on Halle's hair check out:  Halle Berry Hair:  Always Changing

Ellen teased Halle for showcasing her pit stains which Halle said was "so embarrassing."  Ellen noted that since Halle had pointed out the sweat stains "now that you've mentioned it that's all we're thinking about."

In fact, the dress Halle was wearing was an exact match for the chair she was sitting in and Ellen suggested that Halle could have sat in the chair and lifted her arms and nobody would have really noticed at all.  However, since Halle pointed them out, it because a long discussion point.

The actress has been out of the public eye for awhile.  She told Ellen she took time off to have her baby Nahla and hasn't been doing too much since.  Her baby is now almost three years old.

Halle's Multi Lingual Daughter

Halle said "the time has flown.  I mean, it's flown by so fast."  When asked  Halle said her daughter is doing good and is multi-lingual speaking English, Spanish and French Canadian.  Halle said that her father is French Canadian so he speaks to Nahla in his native language.  The nanny speaks to her in Spanish and Halle is teaching her English.

The actress doesn't speak French of Spanish but she's "learning with her" and she's having other conversations with other people in other languages and Halle said "mama's not having that for long."

Losing Her Daughter In A Department Store

Halle recently had a scary incident with her daughter while shopping and she talked about how she was holding her hand and then she "toddled off which seemed like two seconds."  Halle said after she became a lunatic and totally embarrassed herself her daughter popped out from a rack of pants.  She was actually right next to Halle the whole time.

Playing A Woman With Multiple Peronsonality Disorders But Not Playing Oprah

The actress shared briefly about her newest role in a true life story about a woman with multiple personality disorders.  She also told Ellen she was not going to play Oprah in a movie about her life, regardless of the rumors.

Halle did confirm rumors she likes to be naked and admitted she walks around the house without her clothes sometimes.

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