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Black Hair Type 4A And 4B Inexpensive Versus Expensive Flat Irons

Black Hair Type 4A And 4B Inexpensive Versus Expensive Curling Irons

If you talk to 100 different people with either Type 4a or Type 4B hair they will most likely give you 100 different answers about whether it's best to go with an inexpensive curling iron versus an expensive iron when taking frizzy curls to silky smooth.

For some people they get the best results with an inexpensive iron while others insist that they can only see great results with an expensive iron.  Flat irons range in price from as low as $15-25 to over $400+.

European Hair Versus Black Hair - Black Hair Type 4A And 4B Inexpensive Versus Expensive Curling Irons

Regular flat irons which work well on European hair may do absolutely nothing for black hair which has a traditional type 4A and 4B curl pattern.

When deciding which flat iron would work best for your hair type (naturally textured 4A or 4B or combo) you will need to do your research because there is no way to precisely determine before hand which iron will work the best for your hair.

One of the key dangers with flat ironing Type 4A and Type 4B hair is whether or not it will burn the hair and/or cause irreparable damage. What is the best flat iron for 4A and 4B type hair?   There is no right or wrong flat iron for 4A and 4B hair.  The right iron is the one that works right for your individual tresses and needs.

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If you have very fine, very fragile, curly hair that seems like it can be damaged just by looking at it you may not want to even consider using hot irons on your strands since they are most prone to damage.

Factors To Consider Before Buying An Iron - Black Hair Type 4A And 4B Inexpensive Versus Expensive Curling Irons

Listed below are some factors to consider when deciding whether to go with an inexpensive or expensive iron:

1. Heat Recovery

A flat iron has to be able to provide consistent heat.  Some experts refer to consistent heat as heat recover time.  Whether referred to as consistent heat or heat recovery, it means that the flat iron must remain hot enough so that you can iron your entire head without pausing to wait for the heat of the iron to catch up or replenish.

Some irons do not have proper heat recovery which means that when you start ironing your hair, the iron gradually loses heat and the entire head can't be ironed at one time.

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Be sure to try and determine the heat recover rate of any iron you are considering buying.  Heat recovery issues are not important if the hair to be ironed is thin, fine or even medium in texture.  When hair is Type 4A, Type 4B or very thick and long, the heat recovery is important.  Many people rave about the FHI and CHI irons as having great heat recovery.  Will these irons work for your hair type?  May or maybe not.  Always do your research before you decide.

2.  Variable Heat Control

One of the main reasons naturally textured hair is damaged is due to the high heat required to iron the hair.  When irons come equipped with temperature controls they offer the opportunity to try and achieve the desired texture with the lowest possible heat.

The lower the heat that can be used with effective results, the less chance there will be of heat damage.  Some of the irons on the market will got over 410 degrees which may instantly fry more delicate strands.

3.  Steam Infusion

Some irons offer the option to fill the iron with steam and use the steam to coat hair as it's being iron.  For some this works great to keep hair soft, moist and less prone to damage.

Others find this feature of no benefit to their hair type, texture or current condition.  In some irons this is known as a steam burst or steam infusion system.

[amazon-product text="Farouk CHI 1 Inch Ceramic Flat Hairstyling Iron" type="text"]B0009V1YR8 [/amazon-product]

4.  Nano Ceramic Technology

Nano ceramic technology create smooth, straight hair in just minutes, without blow drying the hair smooth first.  Many swear that Tourmaline plates are the very best for imparting shine.  Some hot iron users believe that ceramic plates are best when they are solid versus simply coated onto metal plates.

One of the potential downsides of ceramic coating versus solid is that the ceramic material may chip over time.

5.  Ergonomically Designed

Some irons are ergonomically designed to fit perfectly into your hand.  These irons are designed to make it easy to take your hair from frizzy to smooth, straight, and shiny in just one step.

Some irons require that you pass over each section of hair once, others requires 2-4 passes.  If you will be using an iron that requires you pass over a section of hair multiple times it is important to have an iron that designed to fit your hand.

6.  Plate Wrapping

Some irons have a plate design where the edge of the plate wraps around the iron.  This is a great design for allowing you to get close to the scalp.  Not all irons automatically have wrapped edges.  This is a feature you have to specifically look for and determine if it is important to your hair straightening routine.

7. On-Off Switch Placement

Placement of the on-off switch should be located away from your hand to prevent accidental turn-off or turn-on which can be a challenge on some types of irons.  If possible, look for a model that has this feature.

8.  Amount Of Hair Which Can Be Inserted Into Plates

If you have thick or very curly hair you may need an iron with a wide mouth to allow you to iron large sections or thick sections of hair at one time.  Some irons have much smaller mouths and thus it makes ironing the hair a slow and tedious process.

9.  Embedded Brushes, Embedded Pins, Ridges And Grooves

Some irons contain bristles, brushes, embedded pins or special ridges and grooves.  While some find these features helpful, others point out that the embedded ridges, brushes, embedded pins or ridges can rip and pull delicate strands.

10.  Professional Versus Consumer

Professional quality irons usually come with a higher price tag and are designed for the hairstylist who irons hair many times a day rather than a consumer who may only iron a few times a week.

Many people believe that the professional irons are the only irons which can create smooth sheets of strands on black hair.  This may or may not be true depending who you talk to.  The downside to professional irons is that they usually carry a much higher price tag.


Hot irons might also include a range of add-on features such as detangling pins embedded into the irons, special ridges and grooves.

Some people with Type 4A and 4B hair find that the old fashioned stoves with irons work best for them.  Others can get great results with a range of irons from inexpensive to very expensive.

Only you can decide what's right for your hair.  And a good heat protectent too?  Unless the correct flat iron is utilized along with a solid heat protection product, the results will be mediocre at best.

There are a wide range of irons on the market to suit your requirements.

Some people rave about FHI, CHI, Maxiglide, T3 or Hai, to name a few,while others rave about Conair, Hot Tools or similar irons.  There is no right or wrong iron only one that works for your hair type, texture, length and condition.


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