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Kim Kardashian Denies Marrying For Money

Kim Kardashian With Kris Jenner

Kim Kardashian Denies Marrying For Money

Many fans of the Kardashian reality TV family are outraged by the recent announcement by Kim Kardashian that she had filed for divorce from her new husband Kris Humphries after just 72 days.

The backlash of angry fans and media outlets triggered lots of activity by Kardashian "insiders" who insisted to various news outlets that Kim is upset about her divorce and that her marriage was in no way undertaken for money.

Kim took to her blog to explain herself and express authenticity. Kim also gave her first interview about the split, again promising true heartbreak over the shattered marriage.

"I don't think I'm ready to go into, you know, the details of what went on in my marriage," she told the interviewer. "But I do want to make clear that I would never marry for a TV show, for money, for anything like that. I think that's really ridiculous that I have to even defend that... I guess, you know, that comes along with when you film your wedding for a reality show."

The interview took place at a radio station in Australia, where she flew yesterday to promote one of her many clothing lines. Obviously MIA on the trip were the TV cameras from E!, the network that airs all of the Kardashians' programming.

E! In A Panic Over Kim Kardashian Divorce?

Insiders are now saying that E! executives are in a bit of a panic. Although E! was airing repeats of the very successful wedding special that was first broadcast on October 9th on Monday, after the public backlash they pulled the Kardashian/Humphries reality wedding on Tuesday.   Did E! know that Kim was going to file for divorce?  How much money did her divorce cost E! in terms of not being able to make advertising revenues off the show's repeat airings?

According to the New York Times, the network had planned on ramping up repeat airings, with a graphic noting the impending divorce, but changed course at the last minute on Tuesday.

Still, the network defended their airing of the wedding at all, with network head Suzanne Kolb saying, "The program model of television doesn't exactly keep up with the life model of real people."

Kourtney & Kim Take New York While Kim's Marriage Unravels

Later this month the E! network will be airing the next season of "Kourtney & Kim Take New York," which was filmed in September and October, during the transition from Honeymoon period to marriage breakdown and divorce filing.

The big question is whether or not fans will even watch "Kourtney & Kim Take New York."  Many fans are calling for a complete boycott of the Kardashian Reality TV shows due to the rampant belief that the Kardashians took advantage of trusting viewers to hold a scam wedding.

Which brings up the following questions.  How will the Kourtney & Kim episodes do in the ratings? Will people tune in to see what went down, or will they be so incredibly disgusted by the whole saga they will avoid it? What will E! be allowed to film?  Without a doubt, E! will attempt to continue making Kardashian shows  since it's a money maker for the family and network. Will E! try to capture some divorce proceedings.

Will Anyone Be Watching?

The big question.  Will anyone still be watching?  That is the danger at this point.

As of now, Mama Kris (Kardashian) Jenner is on her own book tour and talking with the press about the Kim/Kris split.  Kris appeared on the "Today Show" this morning defending her daughter.    There is a tremendous amount of PR damage control being handled now because many believe the backlash against the Kardashian brand could be disastrous.

The Kardashian family has televised and cashed in on so many aspects of their lives that it's now hard to tell just what their aim and sincerity level is following the news that Kim is divorcing Kris Humphries after just 72 days.  Has the public had enough?  Will Kim's divorce be the end to the sordid and slimy activities that regularly take place on reality TV in the name of entertainment?

The public has grown tired of being taken advantage of.  When Netflix tried to dupe their subscribers by arbitrarily raising rates they lost a huge number of subscribers who voted by cancelling their accounts.

When Bank Of America tried to add $5 fees to their banking customers for using their debit cards many customers withdrew all of their money and went to other banks.  Now will E! see viewer numbers drop on the Kardashian shows?  Will people boycott Kardashian clothing lines, perfumes and books?  Only time will tell.

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