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Best Hairstyles In Curly Hair How To

Below The Shoulder Curly Ringlets

Best Hairstyles In Curly Hair How To

The best hairstyles in curly hair are styles which work in harmony with your hair, whether the curls are natural are not.  Curly hair can be naturally bestowed or created on naturally straight, wavy or mixed hair.

Whether the curls are naturally occurring or created with chemicals or styling tools the following steps show you how to create the best hairstyles:

-  If your hair is naturally curly, start by visiting your hairstylist and ask them to trim your hair so that the natural curls nestle together to create beautiful ringlets, loops, coils or clumps.  This is a key first step in achieving the best hairstyles in curly hair.   When your hair is curly as a result of chemical treatments (perms) or you use hot or cold styling tools then make sure your hair is cut to encourage maximum curl formation.

- Once your hair is trimmed to enhance your natural or chemically created curl profile take the time to evaluate the best products and cleansing methods to ensure your curls are hydrated and healthy.

Natural curls require lots of hydration to help the curls form properly without frizz or fuzz.  Chemically created curls also need hydration in order to offset any hair dryness or damage resulting from the chemicals.

-  After your hair has been trimmed and cleansed to curl beautifully you can wear your hair in a variety of hairstyles to showcase  the texture, whether it's natural or created with chemicals or tools.

Follow steps  below to re-create the curly hairstyles shown:

Shoulder Length Hair Curled With Hot Rollers

1.  When appropriate pre-treat your curls with a pre-conditioning product.

2.  Cleanse detangled curls in lukewarm water utilizing a curl care product with gentle cleansing formula such as Dilute Shampoo (DS), Water Only (WO), Conditioner Only Wash (CO-Wash), Low Poo or No Poo.  If your hair is not naturally curly, but you curl with hot or cold tools, use products designed for your hair type, texture and current condition.

3.  Once hair has been cleansed and rinsed and apply a rinse-out conditioner from your ears down to your ends.  Detangle with  fingers or wide tooth comb working from ends up to the roots in small horizontal sections.

4.  After detangling hair, finish with a cool or cold water rinse.

5.  Towel blot hair to remove excess moisture.  Immediately apply a thermal protection formula to wet hair to attack frizz immediately before hair dries.  Apply protection product sparingly.  Distribute evenly through the hair.  Comb through with your fingers or a wide-tooth comb.  Do not apply directly to the roots.  Use more or less depending upon your hair length and thickness.

6.  After applying the thermal protection formula of your choice apply a styling cocktail which may consist of, but not be limited to, a leave-in product, defrisant and/or styling cream.  If your hair is fine or thin you may wish to use a light spray rather than a cream or a gel formula.  If you wish you may wish to use a mousse styling product instead of a cream or gel.  Do not mix creams, gels and mousse or else hair may become sticky or tacky.

7. Separate hair into 2-3" horizontal sections and use a long finger diffuser to dry hair.  Let hair rest in the diffuser cup. Use the lowest possible heat and and avoid putting fingers in hair or over drying strands.  When hair is 90-95% dry move onto the next section and let the rest of the hair air dry while you work around the head.

Medium Length Curly Hairstyle

8. Once hair is dry apply 1-2 drops of shine serum into the palms of your hands and mix well together.  Apply to hair to keep it frizz free and smooth.  If you prefer, you can use a light shine spray to the palms of your hair instead.

If your hair is not naturally textured

If your hair is not naturally curly or wavy you may wish to blow dry it using a round brush in order to prep hair for hot or dry curling tools.  If you prefer lots of curls you may wish to do a wet set involving pin curls, straw curlers or traditional rollers dried under a hood or bonnet style dryer.

Although curling irons can create beautiful curls, electric rollers can create a much tighter curl set.  Depending upon your goals choose your curling tools appropriately.


Always remember that the best hairstyles in curly hair are styles which work in harmony with your own hair, whether the curls are natural are not.

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