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Kim Richards Scandalous Secrets

Kim Richards

Kim Richards Scandalous Secrets

If you love the Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills (RHOBH) you already know that Kim Richards is the quirkiest character on the reality TV show.  She shares the camera with her younger sister Kyle Richards.

Both sisters are related to the Hilton clan which includes Kathy, Paris and Nicky Hilton.

Kim was in the spotlight during the first season for fighting with sister Kyle and actually coming to physical blows in a limo.  The long term troubles between the sisters was no longer a secret.  It played out in the first season of the reality TV series.

After the sisters had their famous blow out there was lots of rumors about Kim's possible addiction to drugs, alcohol or both.

Kim Richards Was A No Show On RHOBH Reunion Show

After the Kim's secrets were revealed the feisty outspoken blonde was a no-show on the (RHOBH) reunion show.  She was also MIA for some public appearances during that same time period.  There was doubt for some time that Kim would return for season two of the wildly popular show.

Kim Richards With Sister Kyle

Although Kim returned along with all of the original cast, she has done very little camera time this season around.  She was obviously absent for some of the famous parties and trips.

Yes, there was a lot of drama with Brandi Glanville a new cast members, but the key point of the second season for Kim was the big reveal to Adrienne Malouf's husband Dr. Paul Nassif,  of her various prescription drug cocktails.

Dr. Paul seemed shocked by all the different drugs in Kim's reservoir.  He discussed the seriousness of the pills with her.

Of course there's the concern about the fact she's known to enjoy her alcohol while taking some pretty serious pills.

It was recently revealed that Kim has entered into rehab for her various addictions. According to Kyle Richards her sister is "doing very well, thank you. That's all I'm going to say. She's doing fantastic."

Besides her struggles with prescription drugs and alcohol there was another big reveal about Kim's new live-in love Ken she has kept hidden for approximately a year.  Kyle and the other Housewives are very concerned about Kim and her new guy.

Kim's Troubled History With Men

You might think it's no one's business, but apparently Kim has a long history of trouble and scandalous secrets with her men.

Kim Richards With Dr. Paul

Kim's finance was murdered execution-style.  Commodities salesman John J. Collett was shot in the back of the head by a hit man in 1991.  He was under investigation for a telemarketing scam at the time.

Kim's first husband was G. Monty Brinson which whom she has a daughter, Brooke.  Brooke appeared in The World According To Paris with her cousin Paris Hilton.

After the death of Collette in 1991 Kim married Gregory Davis, son of billionaire Marvin Davis.  The couple had two children, Whitney and Chad.  The marriage ended in divorce.

She also has a daughter, Kimberly from a previous relationship.

Kim's checkered love life explains sister Kyle's tearful reaction when Kim finally told her about her new relationship with Ken, a man of questionable reputation.

Hopefully Kim will continue to do well in rehab and will be back for season 3 of Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills better than ever.

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