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How Hair Growth Vitamins May Help With Fatigue

Introduction - How Hair Growth Vitamins May Help With Fatigue

Adrenal Gland Adrenal Gland

In today's hustle and bustle of busy lives many people struggle with chronic exhaustion.  Sometimes exhaustion can be relieved simply by eating a healthier diet, building in some relaxation time and getting more sleep.

Unfortunately, these simple remedies may not always work, especially when fatigue is a warning sign of other more serious health concerns.

Ironically, taking certain types of hair growth vitamins may help with fatigue issues.  How?  To grow healthy, long and stronger hair, hair growth vitamins address the same physical challenges which manifest as chronic fatigue.

The Role Of Vitamin B12 In Exhaustion & Hair Growth

Amping up your daily dosage of Vitamin B12 not only will often help alleviate fatigue, it will also help your hair grow longer, stronger and to it's maximum monthly growth rate.

While it's true most people only grow new hair at the rate of 1/2 to 1 inch of new hair per month, when the body is deficient in Vitamin B12, growing new tresses to its maximum monthly length may be stalled.

If you take your daily recommended dosage of Vitamin B12 not only may you experience healthier optimal hair growth, the hair growth vitamins may help with fatigue as well.

Stress And Adrenal Fatigue - How Hair Growth Vitamins May Help With Fatigue

Beautiful Long Hair By Depasquale The Spa Beautiful Long Hair By Depasquale The Spa

Stress is a common ingredient of life in today's world.  Unless you live in a convent, monastery or cave, stress is a fact of your life.

Unfortunately accelerated stress will also negatively impact your natural energy stores.  Extensive, accelerated or chronic stress can also cause hair growth to slow or even stop.  Stress also overworks the adrenal glands which monitor human fight or flight syndrome.

When the adrenal glands are not functioning properly they lose the ability to properly secrete enough cortisol which result in unfortunate energy dips during the day resulting in fatigue.

Also, due to adrenal exhaustion and cortisol imbalances, energy may spike at night causing insomnia at a time when sleeping restfully is key.

Adrenal Exhaustion & Cortisol Imbalance Issues

Adrenal exhaustion and cortisol imbalances are directly tied to sluggish hair growth.  Getting enough restful sleep in very important to growth healthy hair.  Vitamin C and B5 have been proven to help accelerate adrenal healing.

Scientists and related experts like Jacob Teitelbaum who wrote {{asin=1583332898,text=From Fatigued to Fantastic}} who have studied adrenal exhaustion and cortisol imbalances recommend taking 50 milligrams of Vitamin B5 and 500 milligrams of C to address this condition.  Regular mediation, yoga and daily exercise can also help rebuild adrenal function.

Fresh Fruit High In Vitamin C Fresh Fruit High In Vitamin C

Hair growth vitamins may help with fatigue because comprehensive vitamins like hair growth vitamins, contains Vitamin C, B5 and B12.

Taking HairTopia or a similar high quality comprehensive hair vitamins may help address ongoing issues with exhaustion while also helping to support imbalanced cortisol levels and support healthy hair growth.

Vitamin D Deficiency

Another common culprit in chronic tiredness is a Vitamin D deficiency.  Improper levels of Vitamin D {{asin=B002EA99HE,text=Now Foods Vitamin D3}} can lead to muscle weakness, ongoing anxiety and low energy.

Vitamin D {{asin=B002EA99HE,text=Now Foods Vitamin D3}} deficiencies are also linked to a wide range of other health problems including hair loss or sluggish hair growth.

How do you know if you're deficient in important vitamins like D? A standard blood test can measure the current levels of various vitamins in your body.  Your regular physician can administer a test or you can buy a home test kit to test yourself.

Lack of proper hydration, a consistently poor diet, eating too much sugar or even food allergies can contribute to both energy loss and sluggish hair growth.

Restful Sleep Restful Sleep

Other Options

The National Sleep Foundation's 2009 Sleep In America Poll found that the average American only gets approximately six hours of sleep per night during the week and seven hours on weekends.  Most adults need an average of seven to nine hours per night for optimal health, energy levels and the ability to grow healthy hair and skin.

If you are feeling sluggish and your hair seems to have stopped growing at it's normal optional rates, you may want to make a plan to increase your daily sleep schedule to include more sleep.

Taking a daily high quality multivitamin supplement which addresses all of your daily vitamin and mineral requirements may also help to relieve ongoing energy dips.  Some high quality hair vitamins contain comprehensive levels of daily vitamin and minerals which can help both energy as well as hair.


When in doubt about chronic fatigue consult with your regular physician who can run the appropriate tests to determine the possible causes and provide solutions.   Chronic energy challenges may at times be linked to more serious physical issues such as depression, anemia, seasonal affective disorder (SADS) or be linked to more serious medical conditions.

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