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Negative Hair Feedback Dangers

Introduction - Negative Hair Feedback Dangers

Hair Services Hair Services

Recently I was strolling through the mall with a close friend who decided, on a whim, to stop in at a hair shop offering free makeover consultation.

I gently warned her that free consultations of any kind often come with hidden strings or negative hair feedback dangers utilized to book services.

Not wanting to rain on her parade, at her request, I accompanied her into the mall front salon and took a seat where I could watch her receive her complimentary consultation.

My friend was open minded to hear what type of hair feedback she might receive.

Ominous Hair Consultation Signs

The stylist who conducted the consultation was being shadowed by a more seasoned hair professional who carried a clipboard and an appointment book, which seemed ominous to me in light of the circumstances of a complimentary consultation.

My friend was guided into a salon chair in front of a three way mirror.  The two stylists started the consultation by telling my friend her hair needed some major tender loving care.  They told her the haircut and style she had was all wrong for her face shape.

The two hair consultants also told my friend she need a completely new hair color to brighten her skin tone and eyes, which they described as dull and drab.

The supervising stylist jumped in and told my friend her nose was too large for a fringe and her ears were too large for any hairstyles that might showcase that part of her head.

Hairstylist Blowing Out A Client's Hair - Photo Courtesy of Hairstylist Blowing Out A Client's Hair - Photo Courtesy of

My friend, who is a beautiful, vibrant and self-confident sales executive looked aghast at the two stylists, shook her head and stood up from the consultation chair. Someone with a fragile self esteem might have been in tears by this point.

The two stylists asked her when she wanted to schedule all the hair services she obviously needed.  Pushing hard, they suggested a cut, new hairstyle and a full hair color service.

After a short pause, my friend thanked the two stylists and told them she was very happy with her hair, but appreciated their time.  She declined to book any services and we left as quickly as possible from the salon.

On the way out the door, we were greeted by another salon employee who wanted to talk to us about the various hair products they carried.  We thanked him as well and managed to exit into the mall.

Attacks Never Win Friends Or New Business

My friend was horrified.  She confided that if the two hair consultants had emphasized all of her good hair features and then suggested how they might make them even better, she might have been willing to come in for some enhancements.

Instead she felt attacked and borderline insulted.  She acknowledged negative hair feedback dangers can occur when receiving a complimentary consultation.

Instead, she felt attacked and even bullied to completely change her look.  She noted that giving her negative hair feedback had completely turned her off the salon, the two consultants and even the possibility of any type of makeover.

Summary - Negative Hair Feedback Dangers

The entire experience was no surprise to me.  No one wants to hear they have an ugly baby, unattractive haircut or hair color or that they need to lose a little weight.  My grandmother used to tell me you catch more flies with honey than vinegar.

She was absolutely right.  If you want to win friends and new business, start by offering them positive feedback with suggestions on how you can make the good even better.  Compliments win, negativity only alienates.  Meanwhile,  if you see the offer for a complimentary hair consultation, remember that nothing in life is ever really free.

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