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Bad Hair Karma

Bad Hair Karma

Long Light Wavy Golden Blonde Hair Long Light Wavy Golden Blonde Hair - Hair By Barbara Lhotan - All Rights Reserved

At the end of every year I like to take time to reflect on all the lessons - challenging or not - I've had the privilege to experience.

Being obsessed with anything hair related 24/7 my hair experiences always wind up in the mix of my annual post-year review.  I'm a huge believer in both good and bad hair karma.

I absolutely believe what we reap is what we sow.    This is my own personal belief.    I  of course respect that every person has their own opinions, beliefs and theories about life.

The good karma angels and bad karma devils are always metaphorically hoovering over my shoulders nudging me to take the good karma high road.

I'm constantly reminded to aspire to do good works to avoid falling into a muddy bug infested bad karma pit.

Bad Hair Karma Examples

BarbaraLhotan-6_250h Long Light Wavy Golden Blonde Hair - Hair By Barbara Lhotan - All Rights Reserved

A bad karma reaping could be as simple as having an explosion of split ends from ignoring the need for a regular end dusting.

Or it could be much more serious such as combing out huge clumps of falling hair after forgetting to consistently take regular hair vitamins.

It might also manifest as more serious bad karma life consequences such as losing an entire collection of cherished hair magazines triggered by an unexpected flood from an ignored aging water heater.

Life Karma - Sooner In Life We All Take Our Turn

One of my favorite quotes about karma is from Ashley Lorennzana who said  “sooner or later in life, we will all take our own turn being in the position we once had someone else in.”

Unfortunately there are a lot of unethical, greedy, opportunistic, immoral, ambulance chasing type of people lurking in every dark corner of the Universe waiting to prey on the hard working, ethical, kind hearted.

Yaya Alafia Natural Hair Knot - PR Photos - All Rights Reserved Yaya Alafia Natural Hair Knot - PR Photos - All Rights Reserved

How do you deal with the bad people who have harmed you in any way?

Every person is responsible for their own actions.  When unethical people try to harm me, I always try to take the high road, walk away, turn the other cheek whenever possible, give them the benefit of the doubt.

That philosophy works for me and helps me sleep at night, but it may not work for anyone else.  I'm human, I don't always do it perfectly, but I promise I am always trying to do better and be better.

Consider taking the following actions to minimize or avoid bad hair karma:

1.  Always love yourself and your hair unconditionally.

2.  Treat yourself and your tresses with respect, kindness and consideration.

3.  Give gratitude every day for your hair.  Thank it for serving you and protecting your head from the environment.

Julianna Margulies With Natural Curly Hair - at Premiere of Warner Brothers "Ghost Ship" at Mann Village Theater, Westwood, CA 10-22-02  Photo courtesy of DC Media - All Rights Reserved Julianna Margulies With Natural Curly Hair - at Premiere of Warner Brothers "Ghost Ship" at Mann Village Theater, Westwood, CA 10-22-02
Photo courtesy of DC Media - All Rights Reserved

4.  Embrace and respect the natural hair movement for the incredible support and inspiration they provide.

5.  Never participate in bad hair shaming or bullying.  Remember, all hair is beautiful, no matter what.

6.  Honor, respect, appreciate and give gratitude for all of your hair professionals.  Treat them as you wish to be treated.

7.  Strive to resolve any miscommunications or challenges with your hairstylist with patience, kindness and courtesy.

8.  Support all hair related ethical business or professionals who give back to the community or the world in some manner.

9.  Boycott hair products or businesses who knowingly prey on people in any way in order to fatten their profits with unethical actions.

10.  Share any unwanted hair care products, hair accessories or hair tools by donating them to the needy so they may also enjoy the joy of clean, beautiful hair.

11.  Don't sweat the small stuff.  Bad hair days are temporary.  Hunger, cancer, pain and suffering isn't.

Celeb Hairstylist Robert Hallowell - Courtesy Robert Hallowell Celeb Hairstylist Robert Hallowell - Courtesy Robert Hallowell

12.  Give credit where credit is due to yourself, your hair professionals, people who help you in some way.  Saying thank you or I'm sorry is free.

13.  Strive to live in the moment.  Remember that how you treat your hair today, will manifest tomorrow and possibly for months or years to come.

14.  Never cheat, steal, lie or knowingly harm anyone else over hair related products, topics, or anything else.

Summary - Bad Hair Karma

Every action has a reaction.

Bad intentions or bad deeds taken in relationship to your hair or any part of your life may eventually contribute to experiencing bad karma and future suffering.

The amazing talented and brilliant hair guru Barbara Lhotan - Courtesy of Barbara Lhotan - All Rights Reserved The amazing talented and brilliant hair guru Barbara Lhotan - Courtesy of Barbara Lhotan - All Rights Reserved

Good intentions as well as good deeds taken in relationship to your hair or any part of your life contribute to good karma as well as future happiness.

How do you avoid experiencing bad hair karma in your life? By striving to create good karma.  The choice is up to you.

Blog Dedication

I dedicate this blog to the amazing hair professionals who have touched by life, inspired me to be a better person and learn to experience joy in my life.

Thank you to the brilliant New York hair guru Barbara Lhotan whose fierce loyalty is humbling, my amazing long time Dallas colorist Rose Zuniga who helps me feel beautiful and International hair master Ken Paves who always inspires me to love myself unconditionally.

Finally, a special thank you to my eternal hair muse Robert Hallowell who always lights up my life with his smile and hilarious texts.

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