For the 2014-2015 Winter white blonde hues are in big demand.
Historically blondes transitioned from lighter to darker based hues for Fall and Winter.
This tradition has been broken by the new trend of wearing light white blonde hues all year round.
Gone are the pressures for blondes to commit to the darker-hair-in-winter look.
Shimmering Metallic Winter White Blonde Bases
To achieve the Fall and Winter white blondes, rich shimmering metallic tones are setting the stage as luminous base options.
Beautiful blonde base options range from rich bright buttery blondes to shimmering light golden honey hues.
Stunning bright shiny blonde bases are then interwoven with an intricate array of rich dimensional highlights.
Highlights Ranging From Stark White Chocolate To Lush Ivories
Accent highlights range from stark white chocolates to creamy French vanillas or lush ivories.
Gone are the days of the overly bleached peroxide blondes with chunky frosted highlights.
Weaving lighter highlights on top of beautiful blonde bases provides a chic and sophisticated multi-dimensional look.
Kate Upton, Chloe Grace Moretz, Kate Hudson and Carrie Underwood offer classic examples of the winter white blonde hues currently in very big demand.
All of the four blonde celebrities have different signature hues strategically designed around their individual skin and eye tones.
Carrie Underwood rocks cool platinum which is still popular with many people.
The superstar songbird has recently updated her winter white blondes with subtle rich metallic caramel and light honey lowlights.
How To Achieve Winter White Blonde
Follow the tips below to achieve a flawless winter white blonde perfect for your hair, skin and eye tone:
1. Align yourself with a great professional colorist.
2. Start your winter white blonde hair transition journey with a pre-color paid consultation.
3. Ask your colorist to evaluate whether your hair is healthy enough to withstand the rigors of chemical processing.
4. If your hair is deemed healthy, ask your colorist to design a blonde base with highlight hues perfect for your skin and eye tones.5. Ask your colorist to formulate a long range maintenance plan to minimize re-growth and keep your base, highlights and low lights fresh.
6. Once you've transitioned your hair to the blonde hue of your dreams, treat it with tender loving care (TLC) to maintain the health of your hair. Don't underestimate what it takes to keep chemically colored hair looking vibrant and healthy.7. Commit to a treatment involving a deep restorative treatment to repair and soften bleached strands.
Note: Color experts often recommend the use of a restorative treatment prior to having color services. A deep treatment will help fill the cuticle so the hair color adheres more evenly.8. Don't rule out low lights when going bright white blonde.
Subtle low lights can add a stunning contrast which will actually make hair look brighter and will illuminate the rest of your features.
Summary - Winter White Blonde
Anyone can pull of winter white blonde, but maybe pulling it off is not always the best plan. Going or staying cool white blonde requires a commitment of time and money.
If you do decide to rock winter white blonde all year long, be sure to align yourself with a great professional colorist, commit to an extensive maintenance program and monitor the ongoing health of your hair.
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