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Common Hair Myths

Common Hair Myths

Roux - Anti-Aging Products - Roux - All Rights Reserved Roux - Anti-Aging Products - Roux - All Rights Reserved

There are many rumors, speculations and misconceptions out there about what's the best for your hair.

Throughout the years we've all heard many common hair myths from our mothers, friends, hair dressers and proper haircare.

Hair Experts Elise Olsen MD & Valerie Callender MD

Hair experts Elise Olsen MD and Valerie Callender MD debunk some of the most common hair myths.

Their information will make you think twice before you believe everything you read and hear.

List Of Common Hair Myths

The common hair myths include the following:

Myth #1 - Frequent trims makes your hair grow faster

Roux Anti-Aging Products - Roux - All Rights Reserved Roux Anti-Aging Products - Roux - All Rights Reserved

Scissor happy hairdressers tend to promote this myth.  If you're trying to grow out your hair, why would you cut your hair so often?  Basically you're just cutting off any new growth.

Truth is, hair grows about half-inch per month whether its cut or not.

That doesn't mean stop cutting your hair altogether, adding an occasional trim (when needed) will take care of any split ends and prevent them from traveling higher up the hair- so you wouldn't have to cut more later on.

Myth #2 - Plucking One Gray Hair Makes More Sprout

Anyone who sees a gray hair is tempted to pull it, but may be afraid of this common myth.

It's been proven that pulling out one gray hair will not cause many more to sprout out, but it can eventually damage that root which causes infections and scarring.

Myth #3 - You Can Mend Split End With The Right Products - There is no magical product that will mend split ends.

Roux Anti-Aging Hair Care - Roux - All Rights Reserved Roux Anti-Aging Hair Care - Roux - All Rights Reserved

There are many products that will make them appear temporarily smoother, but the only way to get rid of split ends is to chop them off.

Myth #4 - You have to constantly switch up your products because your hair will get used to it -  Hair can't tell the difference between brands.

It also can't build up a tolerance to any product.

If you find that your shampoo/conditioner isn't working its magic like usual try swamping once a week to a clarifying shampoo to remove any excess build-up.

Myth #5 - Natural shampoos are the only kind that are gentle enough for hair - This is definitely not true.

Silky Sleek Long Holiday Hair - Bonce Salons - Stylist:  Donna Mitchell - Makeup:  James O'Riley; Photo:  John Rawson Silky Sleek Long Holiday Hair - Bonce Salons - Stylist: Donna Mitchell - Makeup: James O'Riley; Photo: John Rawson

The hair industry has certainly excelled and companies have noted that consumers want gentle options too. There are many shampoos on today's market that are sulfate free, contain natural oils, and are proven to be gentle enough not to weaken the hair.

Myth #6- If your hair is falling out, you should be concerned - This is 100% normal.  Up to 100 hair sheds a day because your hair is constantly going through a hair cycle.

The hair that is shed will be replaced. If you find that you are losing more hair than normal, then visiting your dermatologist will be best to help you further.

Summary - Common Hair Myths

There are lots of rumors, speculations and misconceptions about what's really best for your hair. Common hair myths are often just that - myths.

Before you take any action which may be triggered by a myth, do your research.


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