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Cantaloupe Mask Hair Hack

Cantaloupe Mask Hair Hack

Image of Long Blonde Hair Flowing In The Sunlight - Morgan Session - Creative Commons License - All Rights Reserved Image of Long Blonde Hair Flowing In The Sunlight - Morgan Session - Creative Commons License - All Rights Reserved

The best time of the year to find sweet, fresh cantaloupe in the United States is from late May until the middle or end of August.  It's also the perfect time to treat your hair to cantaloupe mask hair hack solutions.

Whether you use fresh cantaloupe alone or combine it with compatible melons or fruits, it offers many great benefits.

Many beauty experts have touted cantaloupe and other members of the member family such as honeydew and watermelons as the new superfruit for beauty.

Cantaloupe and related melons are chock full of hydrating carotene which benefits both scalp and hair.  Cantaloupes contain a high content of healthy hair ingredients vitamins A and C.  It also contains inositol, a form of Vitamin B known to benefit hair growth.

Moisturizing Cantaloupe Hair Mask

100% Organic Honey - - All Rights Reserved 100% Organic Honey - - All Rights Reserved

Cantaloupe  is also known as cantelope, cantaloup, muskmelon (in India and the United States), mushmelon, rockmelon, sweet melon, honeydew, Persian melon, or spanspek in South Africa.

Cantaloupe refers to a variety of Cucumis melo, a species in the family Cucurbitaceae.

Whip up the following ultra-moisturizing cantaloupe mask with gentle exfoliation properties.


3 large wedges of peeled fresh cantaloupe

1 tablespoon of organic (if possible) honey

3 tablespoons of cornmeal

Note:  Depending upon the length and thickness of your hair you may wish to cut the recipe in half or double it to cover your entire head.


Shampoo In The Shower Shampoo In The Shower - HB Media - All Rights Reserved

Combine all of the ingredients in a food processor or similar heavy duty blender until it forms a thick mixture.

1.  Apply mask to newly wet washed, towel blotted damp (but not dripping) hair.

2.  Leave on hair for 10 minutes.

3.  Rinse completely from hair in lukewarm water.

4.  If desired apply a rinse-out conditioner of your choice.

5.  Rinse out conditioner completely from hair.

6.  Finish with a cool/cold final rinse.

7.  Towel blot.

8.  Apply normal leave-in styling cocktail.

Thick terry towel - - All Rights Reserved Thick terry towel - - All Rights Reserved

Air dry when possible to take advantage of the moisturizing and cleansing properties of the mask.

Note:  The surface of a cantaloupe may contain various harmful bacteria including Salmonella.  To be safe, always wash and scrub the outside of a melon completely before cutting it.  Ideally cantaloups should be refrigerated for less than three days after cutting it to prevent risk of bacterial pathogen develop.

Ironically, a mouldy cantaloups found at a Peoria, Illinois market in 1943 was found to contain the highest yielding strain of mould for penicillin production after a long worldwide search.

Summary - Cantaloupe Mask Hair Hack

Cantaloupe and related melons are chock full of hydrating carotene which benefits both scalp and hair.  Cantaloupes contain a high content of healthy hair ingredients vitamins A and C.  It also contains inositol, a form of Vitamin B known to benefit hair growth.

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