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How Is Holiday Stress And Hair Loss Related?

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From Halloween through the beginning of January, for many people, this time of the year is considered some of the most stressful times of the year.

Ironically, many people find that every Holiday Season can be the most miserable time of the year.

Many Reasons For Skyrocketing Holiday Stress

There are many reasons for skyrocketing stress.  Increased family time, whether you love your family or not, can be incredibly stressful for so many reasons.

The Holidays also focus more on food, alcohol, or other addictive behaviors.  They can be more easily triggered by all that family togetherness.

Unresolved trauma or issues could initiate high levels of stress and anxiety.

Finally, our patterns and schedules are chaotic unless we carefully manage them.  People go on extended vacations, shop for the Holidays, and even planning big Christmas or New Year parties which rachets up normal stress to very high levels.

Holiday Stress And Hair Loss Issues Are Definitely Connected

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Famed hair restoration surgeon Alan J. Bauman, MD, ABHRS, finds the following three common stress-related hair loss causes in his practice every day:

Telogen effluvium -  Excessive shedding occurs when significant physiological or psychological stress, like Holiday anxieties, prematurely forces hair follicles into a resting stage. Dr. Bauman points out you may not notice it right away, but a few months down the line, it could be the reason you have started seeing a larger-than-normal number of hairs in your brush or shower drain.

I've personally experienced several bouts of Telogen effluvium, or TE, throughout the years and stress definitely seems to be one of my hair's triggers. TE can be both persistent and chronic.

Trichotillomania May Be Unconscious Hair Pulling

It can be easier to trigger this particular hair loss condition once you've had it before, Or at least that is the case in my experience.

Trichotillomania -  If you catch yourself repeatedly twirling or pulling on your hair, you’re probably “stressing out” and unconsciously self-soothing. Repeatedly doing so can make that hair fall out and damage your follicles.

Alopecia areata (AA) - This hair loss occurs when your body’s immune system attacks your hair follicles and interrupts their normal growing phases. Several factors can trigger AA. Stress is a biggie.

A Common Denominator For Stress Hair Is A Distressed Scalp

Fidel Fernando

The common thread running through all these hair loss causes besides high levels of Holiday stress is a distressed scalp.

Afterall, as Dr. Bauman points out, "that’s where the hair growth magic begins for all of us."

Dr. Bauman believes that reducing your stress by pampering yourself while getting your scalp in prime condition is the best reason he can think of for you to visit Bauman Medical’s unique “head spa.”

The spa, named the SalonB Trichology Lab, is located within the 12,000 sq ft Bauman Medical complex in Boca Raton.

A Trip For Sun, Sand And Scalp Health

For some people who live in cold climates, a trip to Boca Raton, Florida during the Holiday season is a win-win.

Not only do you get to enjoy some sun and surf, but you can be pampered at a stess-busting relaxing spa experience.

An added bonus?

Image by Anton Sherbachov

You can get help maximizing your scalp health and slowing or stopping your hair loss challenges.  In fact, many people without scalp issues regularly come to enjoy some self-indulgence and shut out the rest of the world for a while.

Summary - How Is Holiday Stress And Hair Loss Related?

The Holiday Season is chock full of all kinds of stress inducers.  Stress can trigger hair loss conditions including, but not limited to Telogen Effluvium (TE), Trichotillamania and Alopecia Areata.  How to combat Holiday stress and hair loss conditions?

Take the time to do something that is just for you.  It can help replenish you at a time when you may feel stressed and completely drained.  Then go ahead and enjoy your Holidays.


Destress Your Tresses, Let Bauman Medical's "Head-Spa" Help You Relax and Grow Hair You'll Be Thankful For

Bauman Medical

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