Banishing Bad Hair Days since 1997!™

Fast Hair Growth Lies

Long African American Hair A Young African American With Long Hair

I've been writing about hair growth since 1995, when I founded and invested my savings into the first version of 

It was the first consumer-focused hair and beauty site on the Internet.

The website, which is still active almost 30 years later, has always prioritized the needs of hair consumers above all else.

During that time, I interviewed hair and beauty experts worldwide.

I researched and wrote thousands of hair care articles. For the past 29 years, I've dedicated my life to studying hair.

The Truth About Super Fast Hair Growth

LongGreyHair A Young Woman Wearing a Long Grey Wig

The one truth I have learned in the past 29 years is that there is no secret to super fast hair growth. 

It's a fantasy sold to uninformed consumers.

People desperate for instant hair growth are willing to fork over their hard-earned money on pills, potions, secret formulas, and tools.

Do any of these solutions work?  No. 

Why not?  Because humans have a genetically pre-determined hair growth rate.

I know better than many. I grew my hair from my chin to my hips over 25 years ago.  I tried every imaginable fast hair growth secret, product, and technique.

Most human hair growth is predictable

Curlyhaired Woman Young Woman With Long Loose Curls

Not all humans have the same hair growth rate, but it generally ranges between 1/4th and 1/2th inch per month.

Sometimes, depending on various factors, hair may grow even slower or a little faster. 

Most hair that grows much faster than 1/2th inch per month is rare. 

Why do corporate entities promote fast hair growth solutions? They want to sell products to consumers who hope for a secret magic formula. 

Follow the money. 

This is why hair and beauty-related websites feature fast hair growth secrets. Those same media concerns also interview hair experts. Remember that featured experts sell their own hair growth or hair loss formulations.

Researching every possible hair growth solution

After founding HairBoutique, I partnered with a famous New York-based hair media company.  The editor-in-chief (EIC) was as determined as I was to uncover any secret hair growth answers. It was an excellent partnership for over ten years.

Medium Length Natural Curly African American Hair

The EIC and I studied every possible fast hair growth option then. What did we find?  There is no secret formula to fast hair growth. 

Human hair grows at the rate that it is genetically designed to grow.

Maximize the health of your growth potential

Yes, there are some techniques to help your body maximize its full growth potential. However, those methods can only grow hair based on your genetics.

After Hairboutique had been in business for twelve years, I attended Paul Mitchell Hair School. I wanted to learn everything I could about hair from professionals. 

Shortly afterward, I enrolled in Velma B's Hair College. I wanted to learn African American hair care and styling. The famed Madam C.J. Walker founded the original school.

There is no way to alter genetic hair growth

Long Red Curls Long Red Curls

I was one of the oldest students in both schools.

I already had a Bachelor's, Master's, and post-graduate work towards a Ph.D.  That didn't matter to me. I was determined to uncover any hair secrets I might have missed.

During cosmetology school, I learned a wealth of information about hair care, color, long-term management, and styling techniques. 

I was lucky to have highly educated and experienced cosmetology teachers. They confirmed my conclusion: There is no way to speed up hair growth. 

Follow the money

Take a beat before spending a fortune on anything that promises fast hair growth. Consider that the bottom line in today's world is making. 

Long Red Curly Hair Long Red Curly Hair

Yes, it's essential to learn everything you can about your hair. Learn how to care for it properly.  But you must always do your own research. 

If a hair growth product promises something that seems too good to be true, it probably is. In 2024, very few things are free. 

Always ask yourself, who is making the money, and will it help me?

We are humans with genetics.  Many things about our bodies are pre-programmed.  The same is true of hair.  There are no secret undiscovered formulas to give you overnight hair growth.  Buy a long wig or get hair extensions for instant hair growth.

Love your hair, and you will reap the rewards.

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