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Hair Renewal And Rejuvenation

Introduction To Hair Renewal And Rejuvenation

Rene Furterer Karite Deep Conditioner

Living in the hustle and bustle of today's world can cause a number of specific challenges for our hair making it ripe for renewal and rejuvenation.

On a constant basis everyone living on planet Earth deals with the harmful rays of the sun, the drying effect of hot and cold temperatures, air pollution, toxins in our food as well and chemicals in our food.

Other hair challenges include over cleansing in hot water, harsh hair care products, chemical treatments and regular hot styling treatments from blow dryers, hot irons or hot rollers.

Throw lack of sleep, dehydration and natural aging on the pile and it becomes clear why it's essential to commit to an ongoing program of focused hair renewal and rejuvenation.

How To - Hair Renewal And Rejuvenation

To be fair, a large majority of people alive today are dealing with stresses and pressures that never existed before. Besides working to put food on the table and care for our families, we have a lot of other stresses ranging from political upheaval and unrest to life-altering global changes to consider.

Rene Furterer Karite

While some people feel social media offers a respite from daily pressures, others feel stress from the need to keep up with friends, family and work via these new channels of communication.

Damaged, Distressed, Dry, Frizzy, Discolored Hair

Of course most people have good intentions to prevent their strands from becoming damaged, distressed, dry, frizzy or discolored. Unfortunately there may be limited time, energy or resources to make hair a top priority when daily life is pushing all your other buttons.

The good news is that the hair care companies who understand the needs of their customers have created a range of products which can offer fabulous hair renewal and rejuvenation solutions without signing off your savings to a high end salon or spa.

In fact, some of the miracle hair products which are available to assist with hair renewal and rejuvenation needs can be had for very affordable prices and applied in the privacy of your own home. Many of the products on the market offer multiple applications and immediate results.

Hair Renewal And Rejuvenation Fan Favorites

HairTopia Hair Vitamins

Although there are literally hundreds of hair care products on the hair care market which are advertised to provide hair renewal and rejuvenation, not all work the same.

It's also important to note that not all hair care products work equally well for all types of hair types, textures, condition and length.

My own hair, which I've been growing to current thigh length since the 1980s is naturally textured. It could be classified as wurly which is a combination of loose waves with some natural curl throughout the perimeter and sprinkled randomly throughout the nape of my neck.

My hair is also naturally coarse and dry. It's medium to thick and tends to frizz if not re-hydrated properly.

My General Hair Care Regime

I do take great care with my hair making sure to take daily hair vitamins, drink lots of water and eat as healthy as possible. My hair washing routine involves cleansing my pre-treated and detangled strands every 7-10 days in lukewarm water with a Diluted Shampoo (DS) cocktail with my favorite Rene Furterer and/or Phyto shampoos.

I apply my favorite Rene Furterer Phyto rinse 0ut conditioner and then a Rene Furterer or Phyto leave-in conditioning cocktail. I partially blow dry the underside of my hair on the coolest setting to remove moisture and then air the majority of my hair over the remainder of the day.

Excellent Hair Renewal And Rejuvenation Product Options

Okara Conditioner For Colored Hair

The following three hair renewal and rejuvenation favorites have historically worked great for me and for people with similar hair types, textures and conditions.

Although my hair is not extremely damaged, it is highlighted and does suffer as a result of my high stress lifestyle, my exposure to sun, wind, high temperatures and surf.

The three products include: Rene Furterer Karite Intense Nourishing Mask, Okara Color Protection Mask and Rene Furterer Tonucia Mask.

Hair Renewal And Rejuvenation Product Use Instructions

All three hair conditioning and mask products are applied immediately after cleansing and towel blotting.

Apply a dab of the desired product all over hair, working section by section and focusing on more distressed sections.

Leave mask on for a minimum of 2 to 5 minutes or longer. Rinse completely and style hair as normal. Avoid contact with eyes.

Karite Intense Nourishing Mask

Shea Butter

This is one of my long term emergency hair renewal and rejuvenation standbys. I remember crying in my bathroom in the summer of 2005 with this Shea butter enriched miracle mask glopped all over my hair. My tresses had just been highlighted by a novice hairstylist who used the wrong color formula on my hair.

My scalp was stinging, my hair looked orange and I was completely devastated because I thought I would have to cut all my hair off. The Karite instantly soothed my scalp and added back moisture to the super dry ends of my hair.

Although I did have to trim about 2 inches off the bottom, I believe the Karite offered instant hair renewal and rejuvenation for my distressed strands.

No, it didn't fix the bad color, but it did nourish and repair my very dry, color damaged hair. I will say the regular use of Karite that summer probably saved me from losing more length that I might have. Of course that's my opinion, but this is my go-to deep conditioner.

Karite Silicone Free Intense Nourishing Mask

Rene Furterer Oils

The Rene Furterer Karite intense nourishing mask is silicone free leaving hair silky, shiny and easy to detangle.

A little goes a long way so unless you've had a major hair disaster like I had, you don't have to slather it on. Focus the Shea butter goodness on the parts of your hair that are dry, parched, damaged or in need of some instant TLC.

While this mask works great for my hair type, texture, thickness and dryness, it may be too thick for someone with very thin or fine hair that is naturally straight.

It has proven to be beneficial for hair which is dry to very dry, chemically or heat damaged, naturally curly, wavy, textured or generally fried.

Karite should never be used daily, but as a once a week, bi-monthly or as needed deep conditioning treatment.

Although it is recommended you use the treatment for 2-5 minutes, I have been known to sleep in it with my hair wrapped in a plastic shower cap. I rinse upon awakening.

Lavender in Tonucia Mask

This mask has given me the softest, smoothest and shiniest hair on the planet. This is an intense deep conditioner which provides hair renewal and reinvention.

I won't hide the fact that it's pricey, but I will promise that when used sparingly it can last for months. When dispensed frugally it's worth every penny in my humble opinion.

Okara Protect Hair Color Mask

This radiance enhancing and conditioning treatment contains Hamarelis extract, a powerful color-binding agent, to capture and maintain color.

Natural Hamamelis extract is sourced from Hamamelis grown in the south of France, holds pigments to hair’s protein structure for longer lasting color.

Okara extract, a protein from the soybean similar to keratin, repairs and rebuilds damaged hair. Color is vibrant and long lasting. Hair is detangled and silky smooth.

This hair color mask was proven effective by 80% of women (who were tested) to keep their hair color as radiant as the first day it was applied after three weeks of use.

Tonucia Toning & Densifying Mask

Rene Furterer Tonucia Conditioner

Tonucia is designed specifically to strengthen and add densify devitalized and weakened hair thanks to Cimentrio, an active ingredient, bio mimetic of inter cellular cement. Texturizing wheat micro proteins coat hair without weighting it down.

Although this conditioning product works best for thin, fine, weak, stressed or aging hair, it can be used for all hair types. Because it was specifically designed for thin or fine hair, it is a much lighter formula than Karite and for most, it does not weigh the hair down.

It's important to note that the Tonucia Toning & Densifying Mask does contain small amounts of oil. If you don't like even a tiny bit of oil in your product, you may need to use a different formula.

Even though my own hair is medium to thick and coarse, I really enjoy the way the Tonucia Mask feels and smells on my scalp and hair. It leave my hair feeling soft, but not too soft where I can't style it the way I wish.

The Tonucia promises to immediately transform tired or stressed hair after the first application. Please note that while this is not a miracle formulation, it does create noticeable improvements for the majority of people who use it after a very short time.

Sweet Oranges

For those in need, Tonucia Mask does provide hair renewal and rejuvenation in the form of more body and overall strength. It is a gentle product, but it delivers.

It helps damage hair achieve a velvety smooth surface. I love how the Tonucia Mask is infused with Orange and Lavender essential oils which are nourishing and relaxing.

Although this product is not for everyone, it can offer great results for people with thin, fine, distressed, weak or damaged hair.

Which Is Best Product For Your Hair?

It's important to restate the fact that not all products work on all types of hair equally well. Do your homework and select a product which matches your hair type, texture and current needs.

If your hair is dry to very dry, damaged, chemically treated or fried and it's naturally textured (curly, wavy, kinky) and needs lot of TLC and hydration I would recommend Rene Furterer's Karite intense nourishing mask. It works great for hair which is naturally dry or coarse and needs softening.

I would definitely recommend the Okara Color Protection Mask to anyone who spends a fortune on their hair color only to see if quickly fade away. This product is wonderful for keeping color radiant and fresh.

Rene Furterer Myrrhea Conditioner

If your hair is thin, fine, weak or stressed I would recommend the Tonucia.

Although this toning mask is generally not too heavy for thin, fine, medium thick or naturally soft hair, it can be used by those with medium to thick hair as well. I have personally found that it works great as a spot toner on the ends of the hair or on isolated sections of hair.

If you find that none of the three Rene Furterer conditioners and/or masks sound right for your hair, keep in mind that this amazing company offers other masks and conditioners which might be a better fit.

Please check out our Marketplace for our Rene Furterer offerings.


If you undertake a hair renewal and rejuvenation program you have the opportunity to hit the reset button on my hair's challenges and come out the other side with healed strands.

Utilizing Rene Furterer's Karite, Tonucia or Okara Color Protection Mask hair treatments will allow you to replenish and restore your tresses. In essence you can reverse the damage done to your hair through a range of toxins.

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