Trichophytic Closure: The hair transplant scar which occurs as a result of strip removal hair transplant surgery (F.U.T.) can be minimized using trichophytic closure also known as “tricho”. .
It's an advanced surgical method that encourages the scalp to heal tightly with the thinnest visibility possible
Note: F.U.T. is a general term that means Follicular Unit Transplant. While imprecise, the term is commonly used to describe a technique whereby a strip of scalp is excised from the permanent donor area of the scalp. The wound is closed using small surgical staples. The excised strip is converted to follicular units in a two-stage stereo microscopic dissection process
Trichophytic enclosure involves sculpting the open flaps of the scalp in a way that allows one flap to overlap the other. The method hides the edge of one flap, immediately reducing the visibility of the forming scar
Incision Angle
The angle of the incision means that existing hair follicles from one side will grow through the other side, creating an even tighter bond and making the scar very hard to see, even with a short haircut
Once the flaps are closed, the two sides are held together with surgical staples for about two weeks while the scalp repairs itself and the two sides bind to each other. When the staples are removed, you are left with a barely perceptible scar that looks like a thin white line when you can see it
The Trichophytic Method Works Great With Short Hairstyles
The trichophytic method can allow hair transplant patients to wear short hairstyles without the fear of exposing a surgical scar. Watch this video and see if you can spot the scars – each patient featured is a recipient of trichophytic closure
This is the preferred method of closure for hair transplants performed by the renowned team of Hasson and Wong. They also utilize trichophytic closure to repair scars from previous surgeries.
Older closure methods can leave wider, uneven, visible scars that can often be repaired using “tricho”. While most patients are candidates for this closure method, some skin types and other factors can rule out its use.