
H37 Testimonials


Received via Hair Boutique e-mail:


About 6 months ago I ordered HF37. I am an African American with very dry, course hair.

After a month of using HF37 my hair stylist commented on how fast my hair was growing. 

I also received inquiries from family members
that noticed how healthy and shiny my hair had gotten. 

My question now is do I need to keep using Step 1 and Step 2 or can I just use Step 2 as
maintenance? I am ready to reorder. 

I have not used the product in several months. I had a few of Step 2 left and recently started taking them again.

Believe it or not, my hair stylist commented on my hair growth again. Tell all unbelievers that this product is tried and true!!!! 

Thanks in Advance for your response and THANKS for recommending this product.

T. T. 

(Received via Hair Boutique email 3/18/00)

My hair is naturally very thick and it grows pretty fast.  However, when I took H37 for just 30 days my hair was like a weed.  

My hairstylist was shocked at how fast my hair grew.  In fact, she told me that I better stop taking the H37 or I would need haircuts every 2 weeks instead of every 4-5.  

She also told me that my hair was thicker than she had ever seen it and it really great shape.  I wound up giving her my leftover vitamins and now she takes them religiously.

Thanks for a really great product.


My hair has been stuck at my bra strap for just about forever.  I heard about H37 from a friend who had tried it and felt it worked well for her.

I ordered it and was impressed with how quickly my order arrived.  I also like the little note from The Hair Boutique thanking me for my order.

However, I noticed a change in my hair within about 2 weeks.  It just felt softer and thicker.  It was hard to put my finger on it exactly.  Then one day my boyfriend made a comment that my hair was getting longer and thicker.  

I knew then that this products works because my boyfriend never notices anything.

I have been taking H37 for over 3 months and really feel it makes a big difference.

I am so glad I found H37.


My hairstylist noticed the difference in my hair without me even telling her what I was doing.  She commented that my hair seemed to be having a growth spurt and that my roots were in need of retouching.;

I was very pleased.  This product does work.


I compete in bodybuilding events and want my hair to look as long as healthy as possible.  I started taking H37 about 8 weeks ago and have noticed a change in my hair.  It is longer and thicker and seems to look healthier than ever.  My stylist made a comment yesterday when she trimmed the ends.

Keep up the good work.


I have to say I love this product. I have really thick curly hair. 4 months ago I cut my hair really short. It was only an inch long. I regretted it so my friend told me to order your product. I couldn't believe that my hair had actually grown 5 inches in 4 months. 

My hair dresser couldn't believe it either. She also noticed that my hair didn't have as much split ends as before. She wanted to know what I was doing so she can recommend it to all of her clients.

Thank you so much for offering this excellent product!


My hair has always been damaged but when I used your product, it became healthy and my hair grew longer than it ever has in years!


I have always had problems growing my hair on the sides. While the rest of my hair was a nice length the sides would be less than an inch. It was thin too (you could see the scalp -- if I didn't cover it up with hair on top of my head).

I bought Hair Formula 37 to increase my length and I also began to see the growth of hair on the sides. It has obviously grown, I can grip it and curl it with a curling iron too. 

Now I watch the sides and edges of my hair to tell if HF 37 is working. Ladies and gentlemen, it is. 

Like I said before, it is difficult to tell new growth with all of my hair. But, the sides don't lie. 

Try it, it works. Thanks, I have been looking for this all my life.


I am a black woman and my hair is braided.  I have been using the vitamins for a month.  

The hair growth is phenomenal.  I am going natural and I have found that this is the best way to grow my hair out really fast.  Plus, my nails are thicker and stronger than they have ever been and my skin looks great.  

People constantly ask me if I am wearing makeup, and I quite proudly say no.  It is just the natural glow that I have.  I love these vitamins.


I have very fine, brittle, relaxed hair. My hair grows slowly and breaks off, so it usually only gets to be shoulder length and I have to keep it shorter. Since using Hair 37, I have noticed that my hair grows in half the amount of time

My hair is also thicker and stronger.

I am a African American female with relaxed hair. I have been using Formula 37 for 1 month. My hair sheds less, and is growing very fast. I love these vitamins to death!

Terrie Meadows

I have what I consider to be slow growing hair.  3 weeks ago, I started
taking the Hair Formula 37 Vitamins.  I color my hair, so I can tell if a
product is working by the outgrowth of my roots.  Usually by 3 weeks after a touch-up, my roots aren't visible.  This month, I started noticing them at 2 1/2 weeks.  

My manicurist also commented on how fast my nails have been
growing.  Naturally, I'm thrilled.  I've taken many other vitamins and
supplements and seen little or no results.  

I never thought I'd be happy to see roots!  I can't say exactly how fast it's growing, but I have noticed a difference.  Thanks for making a good product.


"I stumbled upon the Hair Formula 37 on the salon web home page while surfing the net trying to find solutions for my troubled hair.  It had been thinning and breaking off

I had to get about 4 inches cut off because of the damage of a poorly done perm, sun damage, and a hair color.  The thinning I believe was due to hormonal problems. 

I read about Hair Formula 37, then looked up the benefits of the amino acids.  I price compared the vitamins with other sources and it was comparable. 

I decided to give it a try and ordered the 30 day supply of Step 1 and Step 2.  I received the products the week of April the 19th and started taking the two steps right away.  Last Thursday, May 6, I was getting ready for work.  My son came to kiss me goodbye and said, "Mom, your hair is getting long again."  I brushed it off because he knew how upset I was about losing my hair, but, at work that day, a co-worker told me my hair looked longer. 

I have also noticed that along my hairline on my forehead and on the top of my head where my hair had been thinning, I could see my hair growing back and had grown at least an inch if not more!  It is growing back healthy and shiny and the color is like it was when I was a teenager.  

I plan to keep using Hair Formula 37 and am anxious to see the results in six months." 

Kathy Q.

I have a good report for you... . I got my hair trimmed, and yes it did grow. I have to keep records for my hair club so I know and it was not the usual 1/2 inch a month like the past three months, but a whole inch for the first time!!! 

I have an under active thyroid so have to take medicine for that and hair is baby fine and thin and slow growing, but my hairdresser did say it is obvious it is growing and who knows, maybe without it I'd only be averaging a quarter inch a month as normal so for me to get a whole inch was a shock to her. 

That means, normal people with no problems should be able to get a faster rate than me. I'm up to 20" inches now, so if it works for me, it will work for others. 

But I do believe normal people with no problems will see fast results if that helps you any. 

Thanks for taking good care of my hair. 


Marlene C. 

"I am trying the hair formula for the first time.  I have about 2 weeks of the product left.  I have noticed a big difference!  

I have been taking it for about 2.5 weeks and received 2 comments this week that my hair is getting longer."


It has been over a month I have been taking Form. 37 and my hair has grown tremendously. 

Please don't doubt these products until you try them. 

I have always believed that there was nothing I could do to speed up hair growth, but Form 37 has proved me wrong. The new hair growth is amazingly healthy and shiny. 

I will continue taking this until my hair reaches the length I desire. If you have any questions feel free  to ask. 

Like I said earlier, don't knock it till you have tried it! 

Take care


Please help us at Hair Boutique by sharing your experiences with H37.  We want to hear the good as well as the bad. 

Due to the volume of mail they receive, Karen & Jeff regret that they cannot respond to every email personally. To send your experiences with H37 send e-mail to: testimonials@hairboutique.com