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Hair How To Kei$ha's Long Faux Hawk Hairstyle



Hair How To Kei$ha's Long Faux Hawk Hairstyle

Popster Kei$ha is known to wear some provocative fashions, make-up and hairstyles including her long Faux Hawk Hairstyles she showcased at both the 2010 Us Weekly Hot Hollywood awards and the 2010 American Music Awards.

A faux hawk is a modified version of a traditional hawk hairstyle which usually requires that all of the head be shaved except for the tail extending from the hairline back to the crown of the head.

In a traditional hawk the hair is sometimes fanned and spiked to stand up straight from the roots. In reality there are a wide range of authentic hawk hairstyles worn in a variety of ways.

Kei$ha's Faux Hawk

Taking a page from the punk hair books of Rihanna, Pink and Lady Gaga, the blonde combined her surprising spiked up hairstyle with dramatic eye makeup.

Whether you loved it or hated it, the beauty of Kei$ha's faux hawk hairstyles worn at two Red Carpet events is that it's relatively easy to copy when the base hair is long enough to tease into a spiked fringe and formed with the proper styling products.


The singer's faux hawk can be created with either fusion or clip-in hair extensions which are pre-teased to the proper height. This hairstyle does not require a major commitment in the form of a radical haircut and with a little bit of styling practice can be relatively easy to recreate.

The faux hawk is a less committed version of the traditional punk rock mohawk.

Rather than cutting your hair for the style as you would for a mohawk, the faux hawk allows you to change your hairstyle just temporarily

The Traditional Mohawk

Depending on how it's styled a traditional mohawk can be a lot of work to create and style, which is why a faux hawk is often more popular in some circles.

A traditional Mohawk hairstyle has been in existence in many different areas of the world for thousands of years.

The traditional Mohawk requires careful shaving or trimming to maintain a clean line between the shaven and unshaven sections of the hair. Besides the traditional Mohawk named after the Indian tribe there are a wide range of variations such as liberty or bi and tri hawks.


If the hair is to be worn up, brushing, backcombing, blow-drying, and twisting are required, as well as the application of sprays and in some cases other holding agents like white or clear glue, egg whites, cornstarch, or gelatin.

The amount of time required for styling may increase considerably with longer hair or complicated styles such as liberty spikes (sometimes known as a libertyhawk).

Hair How To Step By Step Instructions

Follow the steps below to re-create Kei$ha's faux hawk:

1. Start with aged hair. Ideally hairs should have some natural oil build-up at the roots. A fawk hawk is best styled on aged hair since clean hair is harder to style and set.

2. Detangle hair completely. Use a long tail styling comb to create two equally sized parts on either side of the head.

Note: It appears that Kei$ha's hair has been back combed all the way through from the hairline to the nape of the neck with pre-teased clip-in or temporary strands affixed in the middle of her head.


3. Pull up all the hair adjacent to the hairline and extending back to the crown on either side of the two parts. This section is the area where the faux hawk will be created.

If you wish, you can use extra hair which is pre-teased to enhance the size and thickness of the faux hawk section.

4. Working in small sections of hair in the newly formed hawk area, back comb with a comb or brush. Start at the hairline and continue to backcomb to the desired fullness until you reach the back of the crown. Continue to backcomb until you have achieved the desired fullness.

5. Use fingers to gently smooth and arrange the teased section of hair so that it from a connected hawk tail extending from the hairline to the crown or optionally down to the nape of the neck.

6. Spray with a firm holding hairspray. Allow hairspray to dry and for a firmer hold, spray again until the teased tail is stiff and firm.

7. Once the center of the faux hawk tail has been created then direct all the hair on either side back or discreetly direct each side up and merge into the crown.


The key is to create smooth hair on either side of the head to contrast the wide back combed tail.

8. Use bobby pins the same color as your natural hair to help anchor any loose strands which need to be tucked into place.


Optionally you may prefer to use a firm styling gel to create the faux hawk tail area. The different between gel and hairspray is that the hairspray will provide a fuller, fluffier and softer look than gel which will generally be less full.

When the natural hair is long you may style several variations of Kei$ha's. You may pull the back into a spiky ponytail and merge it into the top of the hair.

Or if you prefer, you can pull all the hair which is not backcombed into a twist, chignon or bun.

One of the keys to creating a fabulous faux hawk like Kei$ha's is to be creative, have fun and don't worry about breaking any hair rules.

- Revised Date: 12/28/11

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Rihanna, Pink and Lady Gaga Rihanna, Pink and Lady Gaga

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