IntroductionHave you ever been covered with a black plastic cape perched in a stylist's chair when they blurt out "oh my goodness, your split ends are a national disaster?" OK, they might not say that exactly, but you get my drift. You may already know your hair needs some "fine tuning" but when your stylist issues the dreaded edict that "it must all come off" do you fight or take flight? Or maybe you accept the inevitable and grit your teeth as your hair is instantly transformed from Rapunzelesque to Twiggylike? Believe it or not, there are ways that you can avoid this nightmare on salon row. You don't have to be the client from hell or full of chutzpah to get your stylist to listen to what you really want. All you need is a plan and the understanding of what makes most stylists tick. Listed below are some great tips for communicating with your hairstylist. 1. Understand the partnership premise. Unless you're a SpeedyCuts addict that only needs a quick monthly trim, the more you invest in your time with your stylist, the better the return to your overall hair health. Make a commitment to learn to establish a partnership with your salon professional. Yes, building a long term relationship with your hairdresser is a lot like dating but well worth the outcome. 2. Always have a plan and do your hair homework. Before you even park yourself in your hairdresser's chair, do your homework. If you're sure you want to maintain your current length and style, be sure to tell your hairdresser when you make your appointment. If you are clear about the reasons for your appointment, there is little room for spontaneous chopping, unwanted treatments, chemicals or drastic changes. 3. When A Change Is Desired Start With A Consultation If you've been with the same hairdresser for years and they've never strayed from the same old formula for your hair, you may need to prepare them for any desired changes. Make an appointment for a wash and set or a slight trim and use the time to broach the subject. Let them know you are exploring your options but aren't ready to take any sudden leaps. When possible take your own personal hair portfolio and solicit their advice. If you don't agree with what you hear, smile and nod and then decide whether you trust them to follow your requests or work with someone new.
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