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Jaime King's Hair - Easy Hair Bun In 5 Minutes Or Less


Jaime Kind The Hollywood Reporter's Next Generation Reception 11-07-06 All Rights Reserved

The usually blonde and breathtakingly beautiful Jaime King (a Taurus born April 23, 1979 in Omaha, Nebrahs) is best known for her recent turn on FOX TV's Kitchen Confidential.

Sadly the show was cancelled at the end of the 2005 season but not before allowing the former top fashion model to show off her gorgeous blonde tresses, which are usually worn long and very lush.

Jaime also appeared in the original Sin City with Jessica Alba and Brittany Murphy. She will reprise her role in Sin City II which is in pre-production for an expected 2007 release.

She is also expected to appear in The Tripper, True True Lie and Fanboys in 2007.

The gorgeous blonde started in the entertainment business as a teen and was a top model at the age 16, appearing as cover girl for a major New York publication.

Jaime's Top Knot Bun

Although Jaime has been mostly blonde except for a brief few weeks in 2004, she has had long tresses since 2002. The former model superstar looks great with her hair long.

Jaime understands the basic Hollywood principle of wearing her strands as part of her accessories and seems game to try on new knots, buns and twists, regularly showcasing them on the Red Carpets.

Her latest hair bun was a slightly messy but sexy top knot wore perched at the back of her crown. The rest of her hair was pulled tightly back directing all attention to the messy knot.

Adding to the soft, sultry look was her pristine white lace and ribbon top that she wore in a saucy off-the-shoulder style.

Steal Jaime's Hairstyle - Step By Step Instructions

Jaime Kind The Hollywood Reporter's Next Generation Reception 11-07-06 All Rights Reserved

The key to copying Jaime's Red Carpet Top Knot is to start with stick straight strands that are long enough to be put up into a high ponytail.

If you love the look but have naturally wavy or curly strands the look can be easily accomplished but requires that you first wash and blow dry your hair stick straight.

If your hair is already straight this look is as easy as creating a high ponytail and then twisting the tail section into a soft knot that is anchored to your head with a series of bobby pins placed in X formation for a super hold.

This style can be created on either newly washed tresses or tresses that have slightly "aged" to help prevent slippery strands from sliding out.

Follow the steps below to steal Jaime's Top Knot:

1. Shampoo and condition hair with products created for your hair texture, type and current condition.

If your hair is colored or chemically treated like Jaime's be sure to use products that address these special needs to prevent the development of dryness or damage.

Note: A great celebrity hair line is the entire Paves Professional line of her tresses with great results.

2. Finish with a cool/cold water rinse to close the cuticle and help add natural shine.

3. Towel blot - do not rub - hair with an absorbent towel.

4. Depending on your hair texture, type and condition apply a moisturizing heat protecting conditioner or a cocktail which includes a leave-in conditioner and/or defrisant product along with a straightening balm.

It's your option to work with all three types of products or select only those that your hair might require to create fullness and movement.

Jaime Kind Kitchen Confidential 2005-2006

Fox/TV All Rights Reserved

5. Gently detangle hair from ends up to roots using a "hair friendly" comb or your fingers.

6. Separate hair into individual 2" strands.

7. Start at the back of your head using a round Boar's head or similar style brush to build in volume for each of the individual strands while directing the air flow of a blow dryer down the shaft from roots to ends.

Continue to blow dry until each section is 100% dry.

8. Once hair is 100% dry use a Boar's Hair or similar brush (or your fingers) and carefully smooth and brush your hair into a very high ponytail that rests at the top of your crown (as shown in the photo to the side). Secure the ponytail with a "hair friendly" Blax, Bungee Bands or elastic hair bands that match the current color of your hair.

Note: If you are having difficulty getting the ponytail base high enough, bend over at the waist and create the ponytail "upside" down which will give you more lift potential for the base.

9. Once the ponytail is positioned the way you desire on your head, take the long tail section in your fingers and loop the tail around the base of the ponytail continuing to loop until all the hair is completely used.

For a tight top knot, loop the hair tightly around the base. If you prefer a softer or messier top knot like Jamie's, loop the hair loosely around the ponytail base.

10. Experiment with the shape of the top knot until you find a balance that works for you and your hair. 11. Pin the new knot securely in place by using bobby pins in the same color as your current hair color. Place the bobby pins in an X formation for extra anchorage.

12. Finish with a spritz of hairspray like Paves Professional Firm Hold Repairing Hair Spray.

Optional Tips & Looks

If you want a shiny top knot before you pull your hair into your ponytail apply one or two drops of shine serum into the palms of your hands and distribute well through out your strands. Create the ponytail which will shimmer.

If desired, finish the style with a gorgeous silk or real flower, a jewel encrusted barrette or similar clip or pin placed near the hairline.

Another option is to instantly change your hair length, color and style with one of Ken Paves' HairDo options from HairUWear. Ken and Jessica Simpson developed a spectacular line of clip-in hair that can transform your hair in a matter of minutes with no permanent changes.

If your natural strands are not long enough for a ponytail, clip on a HairDo piece and instantly wrap it into a top knot. HairUWear also offers lots of different Put On Pieces that include ponytails and top knots.


Jaime King is a stunning actress who is making a name for herself with her various TV and film roles along with her stunning array of hair updos and twists.

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