If you've been committed to growing long healthy hair with minimal use of heat or related styling tools, you may wish to use alternative texture creation techniques. If you love gorgeous waves but don't wish to damage your hair with hot rollers, crimping or excessive use of curling irons or hot blow dryers, it's still possible to get old fashioned wavy hair without the damage. Janine Jarman demonstrated stunning old fashioned waves on Bravo's Shear Genius. She utilized a traditional pin curl set. Janine separated all the hair into individual 2" strands and then rolled each section into zig zagged pin curled sections. After all the hair was pin curled she went over each with a flat iron to set the curls. The curls were allowed to cool and set overnight. The next day Janine unpinned the zig zag pin curls and back combed them into stunning clouds of waves.
Orlando Pita's Old-Fashioned WavesMane master Orlando Pita was the Shear Genius advisor for the contestants during Season 3 where his techniques for turning bone straight strands into undulating waves with minimal use of hot tools. Pita was tasked with creating stunning old-fashioned wavy tresses for Diane von Furstenberg's Spring 2010 fashion show. “At the fitting, Diane said she was looking back to antiquity for effortless beauty—and you know, braiding is one of the oldest hairstyling techniques out there,” says Pita, who misted models’ strands with water before separating them into cornrows.
For timing purposes, Pita used a flatiron to press and set the plaits. The hairstyle can be created at home by braiding damp hair and then sleeping on the braids overnight. Approximately 30 minutes before show time the famed hairstylist would unbraid the hair and gently fingerpick it. To keep the hair fresh and soft Pita did not use any hairspray or related styling products. Pita explained "I wanted the hair to look of the period, and there was no hairspray back then,” says Pita about his choice to let locks air-dry. “There’s softness to the set when you don’t use a lot of product.” SummaryIt's possible to have amazing waves without using a lot of chemicals, heat or other tools which will damage strands. Original Publication Date: 12/28/10 - Revised Publication Date: 01/05/12 | |||||||||
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